Thursday, May 30, 2013

With How The Weather's Been Shifting, Girls, It's A Wonder I Have Not Broken Out With A Migraine!!!!!!!!!!

                                 It's cold one day, scalding the next!!!!!!!!!!  Honestly, darlings, what is one to do???????

                                 This is not just a question of wardrobe, as however challenging that may be.  With all this weather shifting, my head has been achy, sinusey, especially in the morning, to the point where I pray I am not going to break out into a full blown migraine.  Because, when I do, I feel just like Sadako walking out of the TV in "Ringu," except, instead of wanting to attack someone, I just want to curl up into a ball and remove myself to a state of temporary oblivion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   It is inevitable, darlings.  With the weather breaking, my internal system is going to break at some point.  I just hope it is not during, or before, some important event.  Nothing ruins an occasion more than a migraine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  And there is no controlling when they will pop up. Though, I can try to stave them off, with meds!

                                    And forget sex, loves. A migraine is the true meaning of the phrase, "Not tonight, dear; I have a headache!"

                                     I don't have one now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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