Saturday, May 4, 2013

Darlings, "Reese's Rant" Is More Entertaining Than Anything She Has Done, Including Her Recent Movies!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      "I am an American citizen!"
                                         --Reese Witherspoon

                      Girls, I am telling you, this is why celebrities need writers to put words in their mouth, because when they try to themselves, they hardly come up with anything original.  Even Reese's by now classic riff, "Well, you are about to find out who I am?" takes its cue from none other than Miss Diana Ross, who, several years, back, was prevented from getting on a plane, and retaliated by asking, "Do you know who I am?"

                        As far as New York goes, and I have said it, Reese is through in this town, but as one who lives in Atlanta, she better watch herself, because those hard grained Southerners do not want some uppity little upstart behaving like that no account white trash, Emmy Slattery!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         Reese may have come from the wrong side of the tracks, but she is showing that those tracks have not left her.  When you get right down to it, she is just poor white trash.   No wonder the dog in "Legally Blonde" could upstage her so easily. He had all the class she does not have!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           A woman who dumps Ryan Philippe, and then, the heartthrob every girl and boy wants--Jake Gyllenhaal!!!!!!!!!!!  For Joe Toth????????  I can tell you one thing, I do not give this marriage much longer, and I cannot wait to see Reese's next trajectory.

                              Which, hopefully will be caught on film as well.  Better to look forward to than her movies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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