Sunday, May 5, 2013

A Funny Thing Happened The Other Night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 There we were, girls, Thursday night, tucked into bed, like Blondie and Dagwood!!!!!!!!  We were just settling in to watch "Judge Judy," (our evening bedtime laugh!!!!!!) when, to my horror, our apartment doorbell rang.!!!!!!!  I couldn't believe it; what was some psycho doing, banging on our door at 10PM???????  Monsieur was half out of it,.with sleep, so he did not hear a thing.  Then the bell rang again, and continued insistently.  That's when, in our kerchiefs and caps, we sprung out of bed, and threw open the door!   Santa Claus was not there, darlings, but our neighbor, Jackie, was, and so was Carlos, the doorman, and our next door neighbor, all concerned about the foggy smoke, which was filling up the hallway!!!!!!!!  Oh, my God!  Did we have a fire???????  My books!!!!!!!!!  My designer clothes!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 The trouble was not on our floor, for, as our neighbor said, smoke rises.  We think it came from one of the other floors.  Carlos walked the floors, making sure everything was safe, and then we settled in for the night.

                                    Who could imagine such goings on in a staid establishment, like ours???????  We wondered what had been going on in one of the other apartments.  And hope that it never happens again!!!!!!!!!

                                     I mean, my beauty sleep!  My relaxation time!  How dare it get interrupted??????????

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