Sunday, May 5, 2013

Just What I Need, Complete With My Entourage, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Face it, girls, there are times when the Raving Queen just has to hit the road, and if I am the Queen of Style here, why should that not continue, as I travel??????????  Don't you think this pink bus would be perfect for such excursions????????  Featuring my signature color outside, and a blushing pink interior to match, the bus can fit everyone--Monsieur, my stylist, publicist, business manager, and servers, leaving me free to travel, and they to attend me!!!!!!!!!!!  What could be better????????????

                          Think of it as 'Priscilla' taken to the next level!!!!!!!!!!!  When this bus pulls up in front of any establishment, it will be clear that the Raving Queen has arrived!!!!!!!!!!!!  As well it should be.

                            Air conditioning, an open bar, a high definition screen if I want to watch "The Song Of Bernadette," this van will have all the conveniences this queen requires!!!!!!!!!!  And then some!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Perfect for personal appearances!  So, when I pull into your local mall, you can be ready for me!!!!!!!!!!!

                              As I can for you, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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