Thursday, May 9, 2013

Girls, Do NOT Ever Carry On With This Nurse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      I know what you are thinking, darlings!!!!!!!!!!   You expected me to name Ariel Castro, owner of what has come to be called the Cleveland House Of Horrors, and in the paper all week (and I am sure the 'SVU' writers are spinning out their own version this minute!!!!!!!) as Bitch Of The Week!
This sicko goes beyond the pall of mortal understanding; what he deserves is not distinction here, but a needle in the arm, or to be torn apart by fellow inmates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        You may recall, earlier this week, I finished Charles Graeber's book, "The Good Nurse," about serial medical killer, Charles Cullen.  I referred to him, at one point, as "a real life Annie Wilkes," but not nearly as interesting as how Kathy Bates played Annie in the 1990 film, "Misery."

                                           I then began wondering on whom, if there was someone, Annie Wilkes was based.  And then I found my Bitch Of The Week for this week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Her name, loves, is Genene Jones!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Over a period of eight years, from 1977, until 1985, this pediatric nurse, murdered between 50 and 100 infants.  Sometimes she used some of the same pharmaceuticals as Cullen, and sometimes, after inducing attacks in them, she would revive them, so that she would get all the attention for being an alleged "hero."  Pretty sick, lambs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                She was born July 13, 1950, somewhere in Texas, and while her parents' marriage was not the most stable, she did not seem your textbook serial killer.  She married in her teens, and while in school was something of a bully, known for being bossy.  What drove her to her status as "the serial baby killer" is hard to fathom, unless she saw herself, as many of these women do, as a merciful "Angel Of Death."  Yeah; tell that to the families of the infants she killed!!!!!!!!!!!  See what kind of mercy they show her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   Presently, she is incarcerated, but is up for parole in 2017, which would put her at about 67 years of age.  I certainly hope her appeal is denied; you do not want THIS nurse back on the wards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     So, in reaching back to the past, we find the current Bitch Of The Week!!!!  Just shows they transcend all things--gender, reality, fiction, and time period!!!!!!!!!  Congratulations, Genene!!!!!!!  And rot in jail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                       Besides, she still can't top Kathy Bates as Annie, with Misery, the pig!!!!!!!!!!!

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