Thursday, May 9, 2013

"All The Voices In Your Head, Calling 'Gloriaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!'"

                                               I am telling you, darlings, voices were calling Gloria Montenero (played wonderfully by Jessica Camacho) on "Poisoned Motive," last night's episode of "Law And Order SVU."

                                                Gloria, dolls, is one pistol packing Mama, with axes to grind.  The trouble is, you both hate her and feel sorry for her at the same time.

                                                  When she was a little girl, Finn (Ice T) and her father, Luis (played by Yule Vasquez) were partners in the Brooklyn Narc Unit.  Till, one day, on a case, a bullet meant for Finn, was intercepted by Luis.  It saved Finn's life, but left Luis disabled.  Finn walked away from that unit, and it was shortly after this, he turned up at SVU in Manhattan.  Meanwhile, he loses touch with Luis, whose situation only worsens--his wife becomes terminally ill, medical bills pile up, they lose their home, and the mother dies. This is enough to traumatize anyone--I would be in a sanitarium at this point!!!!!!!!--and Luis is understandably so, but it is worse on daughter, Gloria. who grows up trying to compensate--by joining the military, from which she is discharged, and then the NYPD Academy, from which she is expelled for "psychological issues."

                                                   Instead of seeking a therapist, or professional mental health help for these issues, Gloria decides to take matters into her own hands.  She blames the entire NYPD for her family's situation, and puts into action a plan of vengeance--instead of killing the people involved directly, she goes after those close to them, so they, like she, will know the pain of losing someone they love.  Hence, Amanda Rollins (the wonderful Kelli Giddish) gets shot, as she is Finn's partner. Thankfully, she survives!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     As I said, I can sympathize with Gloria's pain, but this is not the way to go about it.  And when she holes herself up in the Hamill house (which used to be her childhood home!!!!!!!) and turns the gun on Mrs. Hamill (who is pregnant!!!!!!) and her young son, it becomes apparent how disturbed Gloria is. Nothing at this point will ease her pain, no matter how many innocent people she takes out---but that does not mean she is going to stop.

                                                        The whole thing ends with Finn going in, alone and unarmed, wrestling the weapon from Gloria, cuffing her, and taking her outside, where she is apprehended alive.  I was glad she was, but I had to wonder--if the gender was reversed, if Gloria had been, say "George," Luis' son, might it have ended differently, with him being gunned down?  I have a feeling it would. Not that I wanted to see this happen to Gloria, but it did cross my mind.

                                                          But Jessica Camacho did a great job in making Gloria some piece of work!  And guest appearances from Cathy Moriarty (now Gentile), and 'Criminal Intent' costar Kathryn Erbe in her recurring role as Alexandra Eames.  If only they would bring back the other Alexandra--Cabot, played by Stephanie March!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                             Believe me, girls, THIS Gloria has nothing to do with the Laura Branigan  classic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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