Friday, May 10, 2013

Girls, Now We Have An Idea Why The Sherwood Girls Left Ohio!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      I am talking, of course, about Rosalind Russell and Edie Adams, who portrayed them in the 1953 musical, "Wonderful Town."  Here they are in the quintessential number, "OHIO."

                                       If the Sherwoods, or even Roz or Edie, knew what was going on in Ohio today, not only would they be appalled, they would be damned glad they left it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        That Ariel Castro, abductor and tortureer of those three unfortunate girls--Amanda Berry, Michelle Knight, and Gina De Jesus--is one of the filthiest pieces of scum I have come across.  I know some of you out there have wondered why I have not yet  designated him Bitch Of The Week, for he is looking good, right now, to jump right to Bitch Of The Year!!!!!!!!!!!!  All I can say, boys and girls, is stay tuned, because more may be coming down that pike.

                                          Just as I am sure the full story has yet to surface.  And don't be so quick, darlings, to dismiss those brothers; I am not saying they aided and abetted, but I cannot believe they did not know something.  When one sibling turns out to be especially peculiar, even if one does not stay in touch, there are ways of keeping tabs on them, and I am sure the two brothers were well aware of that, and did.

                                            Is it any surprise prosecutors are seeking the death penalty?  The story keeps getting worse and worse.  To say nothing of these poor girls having their lives permanently scarred--with all the treatment and therapy they will now get, it cannot possibly make them completely whole.  When it comes to things like relationships, and trust, these gals are going to have a tough road ahead, and my heart goes out to them!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              I am sure Ariel (What a name!  For a Shakespearean sprite!  What a misnomer!!!!!!!!) is no relation to Bernadette Castro!!!!!!!!!!!!!  And if he is, I am sure she and her clan would disown him on the spot.

                                               Bernadette Castro may be tops in the convertible line, but Ariel is only good for the top of the To-Be-Executed List!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 Get that syringe ready, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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