Monday, May 27, 2013

Girls, It Was Just Like Katherine Hepburn's Connecticut Cottage, In "Bringing Up Baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                You've all heard tell about "that little place, just two hours outside of new York????????"  Well, that is where Monsieur and I spent our holiday weekend, at the most charming cottage near Monticello, NY, hosted by the charming Eddie and Bryan!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  And what accommodations!!!!  Just take a  look!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I mean, it was just perfect!!!!!!!!!!!!  

                                  The country charm of this cleverly decorated cottage matched that of our hosts, Eddie and Brian;  by the time our visit was nearing a close, I was feeling like Gene Tierney as Ellen Berent Harland, in "Leave Her To Heaven!!!"  Though I did not feel compelled to drown anybody!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     How could I, because the weather was SO cold it was hard to believe this was Memorial Day Weekend!!!!   I thought we were going to be roasting chestnuts--or what not--before a roaring fire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Not that we were indoors the whole time!!!!!!!  We trolled antique shops--I mean, there isn't much else to do up there--where we met this one dealer who was like the local Elaine Stritch--with a voice marred by smoking, to match!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        We had some other excursions, which I will record elsewhere, but let me tell you, the kitchen service was every bit as good as the accommodations!  You should see Eddie in the kitchen!  Just like MERYL in "Julie and Julia!!!!!!!!!!"  And there was no one to match Brian behind the barbecue!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           So, it was quite a weekend!  And a good time was had by all!!!!!!!!!!!!  Next time, I am going to go out in the water, with my sunglasses, just like Gene Tierney!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Hope I can match that hair style!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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