Monday, May 27, 2013

Happy Memorial Day, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Now, here is SOME way for all of us to recall patriotism, today, loves!!!!!!!!!!  You never saw anything like this, in "Saving Private Ryan," I can tell you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Here we are at yet another Memorial Day.  Too bad the weather is so off kilter.  When I was a child, back in Highland Park, New Jersey, the Memorial Day Parade was the town's biggest event--everyone lined the streets, watched participants ; it was the only time you saw the town's population
en masse.  I guess my last parade was in 1983; I left town, later that year, so I wonder if they are still going on????????????

                                  Then, we would head over to my paternal grandparents, and maiden aunt Katty, at 702 Nassau Street, in North Brunswick.  We would put chairs out on their front porch, and, that afternoon, their Memorial Parade would go by, right ion front of us!!!!!!!!!  Talk about a ringside seat!!!!!!!!!!  Followed by a cookout under the apple tree, in their back yard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Memories, darling!  Like the corners of the part of my mind that is still operating!!!!!!!!!!!!  So, however you remember this day, or celebrate it, give a salute to the vets who make today possible!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Especially the altogether charming fellow, pictured above!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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