Monday, May 27, 2013

Girls, This Had To Be Seen, To Be Believed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            And even after seeing it, darlings, I am  not sure I believe it!

                                            What better way to end a gay-centric weekend, loves, than watching a movie about the gayest of gays--Liberace!!!!!!!!!  By a combination of circumstances, namely it being on last night, and all of us in a place that received HBO, we were able to sit back and watch this trash fest!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              One thing the film did not go into, which I would have like to have seen, was Liberace's early life.  I mean, how did this kid get through school?????????  Now, darlings, certainly I was not the butchest--not to mention I was in school a good thirty years past Liberace--but, honey, when you compare us, in terms of flaming, I am a billowing ember, and he was Baked Alaska!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               At least the REAL Liberace was!  But Michael Douglas was simply--Michael Douglas!!!! in flaming costumes that he looked too gaunt in to be Liberace; he could not approximate the voice (even I can do that, loves!!!!!!!!!)  and, in the death scene, he looked like Klaus Kinski in :"Nosferatu!!!!!!!!!!"

                                                What was more upsetting was everyone around him did a superb acting job!  Matt Damon, gave, I thought, the real star performance as Scott Thorson, and there were superb bits from Dan Aykroyd, Rob Lowe, and Scott Bakula, who, even with that Seventies wig, looked fantastic for someone who is my age, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   Then there was this familiar looking actress, not on camera long enough, giving such a brilliant performance as Liberace's mother, that, when she died, I thought "Oh shit! She was livening up the picture!  Now she's gone!"  This actress, whom none of us could identify, turned out to be, we found over the end credits...Debbie Reynolds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    That's right!  Debbie Reynolds!  If only there had been more of her, not only would the film have been better, she might have netted herself an Emmy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                       So, everyone is acting up a storm!!!!!!!!!!  Except the one playing the lead, who, by necessity, NEEDS to!!!!!!!!!  Why Douglas took this part I cannot imagine; unless he was told to, by Catherine Zeta Jones, because baby needs more jewelry!!!!!!!!!!!!!   This called for a less wooden, more flexible actor than Michael Douglas!!!!!!!  Jack Nicholson, for example, leers his way through everything; I think he could certainly get Liberace's voice down, and, after his turn as The Joker in "Batman," I think he could play a flamer with more conviction than Michael Douglas!!!!  Of course, neither could hold a candle to MERYL, who would have elevated this to A-list product, because she can do ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!   Like I have always said, were she cast in a role that the director told her she would have to grow a penis for, she could do it!!!!  And this might very well have been the part!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                       The thought of sex with Liberace makes my skin crawl!  The thought of Liberace HAVING sex makes it crawl even more!!!!!!!!!!!!!  My favorite Liberace moment, loves, came, not from this film, but from the 2005 biopic, "Good Night, And Good Luck," wherein David Stathairn portrayed broadcast pioneer Edward R. Murrow.  There is a scene where he is interviewing Liberace, and it is actual footage of Lee (as he was called) himself, talking in that whiny voice, about dinner with Mother, finding a girl, and going on dates!!!!  Oh, brother!!!!!!!  Which is exactly how Murrow feels, because, when he turns off the tape, the look of disgust on Strathairn's face was priceless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                          To think Steven Soderbergh, a serious filmmaker, directed this!!!!!!!!!
What was he thinking?????????  I understand he wanted to do this as a theatrical film, in which case it would have ended up like Kevin Spacey's "Beyond The Sea!!!!!!!!"  What was Soderbergh thinking????????  Was he on a bad acid trip!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                           But, lambs, you have to see the fantasy death sequence, with Liberace flying off to heaven!  Not since "The Man In The Moon" from "Mame" have I seen such aerial high jinks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                              You would think I am describing a camp classic!  I wish I were, and I wish it had been!  The one thing preventing such is what was most needed--the performer playing Liberace!!!!!!!!!!  And that was Michael Douglas!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Who should not have!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                Guess I better go out on a date tonight, too, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!
See you soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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