Tuesday, May 28, 2013

"By The Time I Got To Woodstock.................."

                                 .......it was 44 years later!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Girls, without question, the highlight of our weekend excursion was an unexpected visit  (I had no idea we were that close) to the site of where this iconic cultural event took place.  The very one which I, having recently graduated from eighth grade, I  tried to get up to, by sneaking onto the Jersey turnpike, to hitch a ride up, only to be apprehended by friends of my parents, going the other way, who dragged me home!!!!!!!!!!  I spent the weekend in my room, listening to it all on the radio!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Not just the music, but the news, which chronicled what was to be just another concert became a free media event--nothing has topped it, darlings!!!!!!!!!--with just about every major highway along its route jammed with traffic!!!!!!!!!!  Performers were flown in by helicopter!!!!!!!!!!

                                  But, when I saw where we were, I looked out, and could just picture those half million folk.  I recognized the sloping hill, and such, from photos, and from having seen the "Woodstock" documentary, back in 1970.  With my father, no less!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Upon reaching the monument, pictured above, I felt just like Bernadette at Lourdes.  Which is why, without hesitation, I knelt down and kissed the stone, just like Jennifer Jones kissing the feet of the BVM in "The Song Of Bernadette!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                      Does everything all come back to "The Song Of Bernadette????"  Just about, dears!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        It was almost worth missing Sister Camille, and I am sure if she knew where I was, she would have understood.  Who knows; maybe she was at Woodstock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         And, thanks to Monsieur, the moment has been preserved for posterity, with me standing along side the testimonial!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Right On! darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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