Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Now, Here, Darlings, Is A Match Made In Hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Take a look at these two, girls!!!!!!!!! Michelle Knotek, and her husband, David, are two pieces of genuine filth!!!!!!!!!! They should be dead!  Instead, they are in prison, where, at least for now, they are removed from society, who is safer for that fact!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                Michelle (or Shelley) was a divorced mother, with two young daughters, who met David Knotek, a construction worker, and also recent divorcee.  She married David around 1988; two years later, they moved to, and settled down, in Raymond Washington.

                                                   The Knoteks then became what is referred to as "pillars of the community," and whenever I hear people referred to as such, I say, let those red flags go up AT ONCE!!!!!!!!!  In this case, they should have!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   The picture perfect family.  The picture perfect house, right down to flowers all about, and the white picket fence.  Two charming daughters, and, soon, Michelle and David had one of their own, Whitney.

                                                     Michelle, with David's consent, became known about town as something of a Good Samaritan.  She had a tendency to take in under her roof troubled people, the type I would refer to as "wounded birds."  One of these was her own nephew, Shane Watson.

                                                       Everyone in Raymond thought the world of the Knoteks for their humanitarian efforts.  Butter wouldn't melt in these two's mouths!!!!!!!!!!!!  Oh, yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                        When Kathy Loreno, who had stayed at the Knoteks for a time, wandered off, no one, including her family, thought much of it.  Especially when they started receiving reassuring post card notes from Kathy, telling them she was on the road, having run off with a trucker named Rocky, who was the love of her life!!!!!!!!!!  Obviously, someone had seen Kris Kristofferson in "Convoy" too many times!!!!!!!!!!!!  The Lorenos eventually came to the conclusion that Kathy had not written these notes, because none of them really resembled her handwriting.   Gradually, her case went cold, especially, when questioned by police, Shelley affably told them Kathy had just run off with this guy, Rocky!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                             That, and landfill on Staten Island, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                              However, when two more people--Shane Watson, the nephew, and a mentally troubled drifter in his late fifties named Woody Woodworth, also eventually wandered off, police began taking another look.  What was it that made people not want to stay at the Knoteks????????  And why could they never be tracked down, once they left?????????????????

                                                                 It took the bravery of Michelle's own two daughters, once they reached age, and moved out on their own,  (and it is amazing they survived to do so!!!!!!!) to approach police, and alert them to what had been going on in that house.

                                                                  They believe their parents had done something to Woody Woodworth, and that his body was hidden someplace.  They had the same feeling about Kathy and Shane.  And they themselves had been abused by their own, sadistic mother, made to crawl in the mud, like pigs, with their clothes on, if they misbehaved, among other torturous deeds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  The two sisters were coming forward, not only because they had it, but because they wanted to save their younger stepsister, Whitney, now 14 in 2003, because, as the lone sibling at home, the full force of Michelle would inevitably fall upon her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                    Police called Child Services, and took Whitney away, while Michelle screamed, not out of love for her child, but at violation of her self righteous entitlement.  Same with David, who just went along.  But, when the police got David into the interrogation room, what he told was even more fascinating, raising startling questions.

                                                                         When they took Michelle off, she had no remorse, just self-righteousness.  After five hours, David cracked revealing everything--how Michelle masterminded the abuse, how he aided and abetted it.  He shot nephew Shane Watson, from behind, at his wife's order, after she saw him witnessing disposing of either Kathy's or Woody's body.  She made Kathy eat spoiled food till she got sick, dunked her in a washtub to the point of drowning, while making poor Woody stand in a boiling wash tub, the water so hot it peeled off parts of his skin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Now, girls, I know, we never know what we would do till in a situation, and I hope none of us ever have to face what Woody did, but, from this vantage point, I might have tried picking up that washtub, and scalding that sadistic bitch, making her as disfigured on the outside, as she was on the inside.

                                                                             It is not clear to me how Michelle turned out the way she did, since nothing is known about her upbringing. And it is puzzling to me how David, a construction worker, who often worked far from home, in Oak Harbor, staying there for days, to stay away from his wife, could return to her again and again, aiding and abetting in her sadism. Either he enjoyed being dominated, or some part of him enjoyed abusing as well.  Which is what I think it comes down to.

                                                                                When these two lumps of scum went on trial, the community cried blood!!!!!!!!!  Can you blame them???????  And you know what they got--for murdering three people, possibly four, (an 81-year-old man still under investigation!!!!!!) as well as abusing their own daughters, plus David's complicity in all this????? A mere twenty plus years, in prison!!!!!!!!!  Sweeties, they should have fried!!!!!!!!!!  Or, at the very least, gotten Life Without Parole!!!!!!!!!!  But I feel, when release time comes up, officials will take a look at these two, and find a way to keep them incarcerated, where they belong, thereby protecting society from such evil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                                     As far as Mothers From Hell are concerned, Michelle Knotek is up there with Dave Pelzer's mother, Catherine, and that fictitious witch from TV, Charlotte Bayes (played by Isabella Hoffman) in "Churchgoing People" on "Cold Case."  Hell is where this thing belongs, and where she is going to end up, when her time comes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  And David will join her for being either a spineless wretch or a sickee himself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                                        These two were a Perfect Match, darlings--for EVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I tried to read this but there were too many explanation points.

    1. My sentiments, exactly!!! 😃 I completed it, and it was worth the reading~ regardless of the pointy sticks... Darn good write~ up, Queen...

  2. Why do you use so many 'screamers'? It looks so silly and detracts from what you're trying to communicate.

  3. your excessive punctuation makes this unreadable

  4. The exclamations are my trademark, darlings!

  5. I like the way you write!!! i write the same way, and i think its fabulous!!!! how else are you gonna make people understand what your feeling with only a keyboard?...i say exclaim away!!!!

  6. You got information wrong. They didn't move to Raymond, they already lived there. His family had been there generations, he graduated from Raymond High School. Probably about the time you posted this, he'd been released from prison, living with his mom. Trust me, most people did not think of them, especially her, as 'good Samaritans'. She was known as "Crazy Shelley" for many good reasons. LONG before the cops could be bothered, the girls would go to school and say, "My mommy is killing people and burying them in the back yard!" No one investigated. Kathy's family made MANY reports, to no avail. I know her brother, ET (Eric Thomas). An acquaintance of mine was supposed to do drywall work at her house. He knocked, she stared at him from across the house, like, "What?" He'd wave--nothing. He'd knock again. Nothing. Another friend was supposed to do backhoe work for her...digging in her yard! My neighbour had a fender bender with her, and she HAUNTED and HARASSED her wherever she went. *I*...was supposed to be on that jury.
    The old man? I remember people being suspicious when he died. The Schwann's man would visit him extensively, and told us he suspected the caregiver, since she got everything, or would, after his dog, which she was supposed to care for, died. Odd, Sissy "Died" soon after, and she got everything. When the cops went out there...guess who they found, alive and well? Sissy. I would often run into Mr. McClintock at the store in his motorized wheelchair, and I'd tie Sissy up outside for him. Kathy and Ron's bodies, after she burnt them, she sprinkled on the banks of the river. Long gone (it's tidal, so high tide washed away the evidence). Shane they found still buried.

  7. Sounds like Shelly was a piece of work from the start!

  8. Seriously demented people. Absolutely deserved to get LWOP. Just disgusting. Where do these sadistic tendencies cone from?????? Also, I love your !!!! points. Let's us know exactly how outraged you are. I do the same on occasion.

  9. Thanks so much for the kind words. Yes, this was one sick couple!
    And thanks for the compliments on the !!!!! Yes, I do use them as an emotional barometer!

  10. I just saw a TV show about this case on YouTube and on it, they said that Shelly's parents divorced when she was a kid, the mother abandoned her to run off with a boyfriend,and then the boyfriend killed her mother a few years later! And then they said Shelly blamed her dad for her mother's death.


  11. Sounds like Shelly was dealt a rotten hand from the beginning!


  12. Thank you so much. As time has gone on, I have
    reduced, though not eliminated, those pointy sticks.


  13. Anonymous,
    It was a horrible tragedy all around.
    I hope Shelley never sees the light of
    day again! Or emerge from her facility
    until encased in a pine box!


  14. I could not agree with you more, darling!
