Wednesday, May 29, 2013

This Blonde Is No Bombshell, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        I know, I know, things have gotten a little grim on here, and I promise, if you stay tuned, they will lighten up!!!!!!  But these things just keep coming my way.

                                         Girls, some of us have been around long enough to know that if something seems too good to be true--it generally IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Someone should have told that to poor, sweet Christian Rojas!

                                            This cute, young lad, arrives from Costa Rica, where he establishes himself, in, of all places, Bensalem, Pennsylvania, as innocuous a place as could be imagined.  Then, when tragedies happen, I LOVE how all the residents say "Things like this never happen  here!"

                                               I got news for you, hon, they do!!!!!!!!!!  Everyone int these burgs think the city, the urban life, has the monopoly on crime and murder.  Didn't these folk ever see David Lynch's 1986  masterpiece, "Blue Velvet?"  With so many tensions--financial, social, psychological and sexual--seething in some of these small towns, it is no wonder there are not more explosions in them, across the nation.

                                                 Trust me, there are enough.  And Christian Rojas' story proves it.

                                                 He settles down in an apartment complex to live the American Dream. He works in some sort of business/computer company, where he is reasonably successful.  Best of all, the young  sweet looking 28-year-old lands a hot blonde named Heather Lavelle, a 36-year-old business executive, as his girl friend!!!!!!!!  As an older woman, I am sure she gave the lad quite a tumble!  Yeah, but as always, with these things, there is a catch!!!!!!!  It seems Heather has a nasty drug habit she just can't shake.  Christian, smart lad that he is, cannot abide drugs, and, once he sees the addiction is too much for Heather to beat, he ends the relationship, and out she goes.

                                                    Where Christian was not so smart was he did not believe in American banking.  Now, I am not saying he does not have the right to be suspicious, but what this meant is that, in drawers, and a safe, Christian would often keep huge amounts of cash around his place.  And much of his income was going towards helping family members, whom he loved, by sending this money to them.

                                                     What Chris may not have known, or forgotten about,  was that Heather, who lived with him for awhile, did not turn over her key, once she was kicked out.  Or maybe she had it duplicated; who knows????  In any case, addicted Heather is still walking around, with a key to Christian's place.  Eventually, this tramp hits bottom, losing her home and job to drugs.  She turns up on Christian's doorstep, begging for a place to stay, and the kind young man takes her in.

                                                       Unfortunately, in the meantime, Heather has taken up with a sleazy lug named, aptly, James Savage. What a mug this guy has!  Like someone who should have been in "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest!"  Nurse Ratched would have had a field day with him, and, in his case, I would tell her to go for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                         Eventually, Chris cannot stand Heather's drugging, which she said she had sworn off, so back she goes to sleazy James, a big old addict himself.  They need their fix, darlings, and when scum like these need a fix, it is much worse than if I should not get my morning coffee!!!!!!!!  I might be a bitch, but I have never killed anyone, and never would!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                           But that doesn't stop Heather. So, she concocts this story that, while she was crashing at Christian's, he raped her, which is not true, because, by then,  sweet Christian wanted nothing to do that way, with this skank!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  This enrages James, and at Heather's behest, they break in to Christian's place, (with Heather's key, so there is no forced entry!!!!!!!) intending to steal whatever money they can find. Heather knows where Christian keeps his safe, and two of them sneak out of there with it. How they were not seen, in the light of day, is a mystery to me.  Either everyone was at work, or these townies are just much too trusting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                Once these scum get the safe home--Surprise! Surprise!--they find it is empty.  Enraged, they head back to Christian's, planning to ambush him when he gets home, and make off with the money.

                                                                    And so, on a Thursday night in August 2,005, a sweet young man, who only acted kindly toward Heather, was done in by both she and James.  Insisting there was no money in the apartment, the killer couple beat Christian; James bashed him with brass knuckles, beating his head fifteen times against the bathroom wall, after tying him up, and dragging him in there.  Then he was strangled with a pair of his own socks, and left, dying, partially submerged in a half filled tub.  Packets of condoms were tossed in after him.

                                                                      Then the two stole Christian's car, and went on the lam. But they were caught, and brought to justice. Heather was apprehended, in spite of that cheap dye job she had; thinking disguising herself as a brunette would fool anyone!!!!!!  Prosecutors sought the Death penalty, and it is too damn bad they did not get it. But the sentence was reduced to Life, so these two will rot in prison, where they belong.

                                                                         With nary a bit of remorse to this day for what they did to sweet, lovable Christian!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  These two deserve to fry; if not in this Life, than surely in the Next!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                             I am telling you, dolls, you gotta watch out, in these small towns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Well said. I totally agree with you. Why was her life spared. She is a waste of space.


  2. Thank you. I appreciate the comment, and your sentiments.

  3. Here Heather is giving a TED talk!

  4. She can talk all she wants; I still say good riddance!

  5. Believe me, I am not defending her. I just thought it was a pretty bizarre thing for a convicted murderer who is in the middle of a well-deserved life sentence to be giving a "TED" talk - kind of has to be seen to be believed!!


  6. Sorry for the misunderstanding. I will have to look at this TED talk. Glad she is still in for Life, though.
