Wednesday, May 29, 2013

"Never Were There Such Devoted Sisters!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                              I have always loved Sister Acts, darlings--from the McGuires, to the Lennons.  How can I help it, being a big old sister myself, and always wanting to have one of these acts myself?????????   Though let me make it clear that, were this to happen, I WOULD be singing lead!!!!!!!!  Call me Miss Ross!!!!!!!!!!!!!  You think Diana was tough?????????  Watch me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Over this past weekend, I was made acquainted by an act I had never heard of--the Barry Sisters!!!!!!!!!!!!  Claire and Myrna were their names. and their spot were the famous Catskill Hotels, when that place was the vacation mecca for a largely Jewish clientele, during the Forties, Fifties, and Sixties!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                Here they are, in what I consider the most famous of their photos--or, at least, my favorite--taken during 1960 at one of the resorts.  Just look at those strapless dresses!!!!!!!!!!  And heels!!!!!!!!!!!  If only I could wear both!!!!!!!!!!!!!  And such Style!!!!!!!!!  What a concept--style?????????   And what has happened to it??????????  Where did it go???????????

                                                  They even spread out to record on their own.  They may not have been as well known as the McGuires, but they had their day.

                                                    Both were Bronx born, darlings!  Myrna had a short life, born in 1925, passing on in 1976.  Claire, born in 1923, is still somewhere out there, performing, and I am telling you, dolls, if I am ever up in that region, and get word of her performing, I will be there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                       Like a Senior Citizen Woodstock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                        Once, Sister Acts meant something, like talent!!!!!!!!!  Today, all they are good for is scandal and gossip!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                          Like those Hilton girls, and those Kardashians!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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