Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Girls, This Is Just Another Example Of The Erosion Of Culture!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Once upon a time, darlings, there was a publication, those of us in town used to read, and love, called the Village Voice.  Not only were some of its news stories top notch, but its arts coverage--by the likes of Andrew Sarris, Michael Feingold, Deborah Jowitt, even Marcia Siegel--caused so many of us to snap it up, just to read our favorite author or sage.  Not to mention Dan Savage's column!!!!!!!!!!

                                            But that was then, this is now.  Over the years, the VOICE has eroded in quality, and now it has hit rock bottom.  Two of its best writers, who were also two of the reasons many, such as yours truly, still picked up this defunct rag, have been let go, dumped, call it what you will,  I am talking about columnist Michael Musto, and theater critic Michael Feingold!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Mr. Feingold, (not to be confused with cabaret performer Michael Feinstein!!!!!) was the very erudite theater critic of the VOICE, and I loved reading his reviews, which were much more insightful than many of his peers, and filled with historical reference which gave readers a context for what was being reviewed, and why he felt specifically about what he was stating.  Better than that closet case, Ben Brantley!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                The Messrs. Musto and Feingold have been with the paper for more than 20  years. Yet, last Friday, they were unceremoniously dumped, thrown into the street, like Fantine, though I have an idea, with their names and reputations, they will reap more promising gigs than Fantine.  I hope!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    I do have to hand it to recently appointed editors, Will Bourne, and Jessica Lustig, who, rather than lay off the talented staff they had, resigned, essentially telling their higher-ups to go "Shove it!"  Good for them!!!!!!!!!  Feingold and Musto should feel somewhat vindicated by that.

                                                       But, honeys, let me tell you.  This kind of trouble is not just at the VOICE, it surrounds cultural institutions everywhere.  Standards of taste and aesthetics are falling by the wayside, in favor of technological advancement.  Which is great, but without the other, what happens?  Society degenerates down to its most primeval, till you have a culture very similar to that depicted in "The Hunger Games" or "Fight Club."

                                                          I look forward to reading Musto and Feingold, wherever they should turn up next!  But their departures are just the tip of the iceberg. It signals far worse things to come for those of us educated enough to value cultural exchange.  If society strips away its artistic element, all you have left is violence!!!!!!!!!!!  Which is not a world I care to live in, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                             Meanwhile, Musto and Feingold have more time to read The Raving Queen!  Go to it, guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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