Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Guess I'm Just A Tired Old Queen, Dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Darlings, I have to admit, I cannot recall the last time I was in Greenwich Village on a weekend night at midnight, or later!  Usually, I check out of there by 10PM, because I have a long ride home, and then I have to put my hair up in curlers, lather on that cold cream, and get in my nightie, before crawling into bed.  Have I ever been there in the wee hours???? Of course, but it has been so long ago, my memory of those days is beginning to slowly erode.

                                But, that does not mean that those who are young and strong should not be able to!!!!!!    
After all, they are entitled to as much fun and frolic as generations before them.  And they don't need fear of scum like Elliot Morales, who gunned down Mark Carson last Friday, to take away the fun they are entitled to!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Which is why a rally was held last night in front of the LGBT Center, to make it clear the Gay Community will not tolerate hatred from homophobes. I only wish I could have been there, loves, but you better believe that that big, old....uhm....Mayoral candidate, Christine Quinn was, and I am sure she did not mince words.  I mean, when is she ever at a loss for them?????????????????

                                   Let's hope something is accomplished.  I have seen articles saying that police stakeouts have gone up in the Village, as a result of this, which might not be a bad idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  If only the Village could be like "The Wizard Of Oz," with a gateway to it, like the Emerald City, to keep out undesirables like Morales.  Oh, I know what some of you are saying, that's restricting, like with the Jews in Darien, CONN, but, you know, as long as we are talking about peoples' lives here, I am all for weeding out the vermin which might wiggle its way in to this Gay-centric Neverland.

                                     My reaction may be extreme; hell, when is it NOT, darlings??????????  But the gunning down of innocent young men, due to their sexual orientation, cannot be allowed to continue, no matter what it takes.  Not only is the hatred wrong, the community, which needs to expand, is being deprived of the promise and potential of its burgeoning youth.

                                       Keep these lowlifes in the rat holes they belong--whether the Bronx or Bayonne!!!!!!!!!  Maybe doing time on one of the pig farms in Secaucus will keep these yokels in line!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Babes in the blinking sun, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!  And we shall overcome!!!!!!!!!!!

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