Tuesday, May 7, 2013

This Daddy's Girl Has No Electra Complex, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Jennifer Womac is some piece of work!  To begin with, she is ugly as sin!!!!!!!!!!!
But she was a trust fund baby from Decatir. TN, the daughter of rich daddy, Grady Nichols, Jr.

                                      Daddy Grady spoiled Jennifer rotten, giving her everything she wanted.  When the first marriage did not work out--no surprise there--I am sure Grady handled the divorce, and then he bought Jennifer a place of her own.  Did Jennifer ever go to college, or work????????  I really don't think so.  Even Scarlett O'Hara picked crops at Tara!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Along the way, this brat, as expected, acquired a nasty drug habit--specifically to prescription pain killers, though I am sure Jen would ingest anything that was offered.  And with it, she acquired a real piece of white trash sleaze, in the form of her boy friend, and drug supplier, Louis Landers.  Theirs was an on-again, off-again romance, but they were always there for each other to get together and share a fix!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  The more they got, the more they wanted.

                                          Finally, Jen hatched a plan.  She would have Louis murder Daddy Grady, which would then lead to her inheriting all his money, and the two of them would have a blast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Landers did the nasty deed on September 19, 2009, but these two were so dumb they were easily caught, and hauled off to the slammer for the next 40 years, which, considering Jennifer was 38,  and Landers 46, is pretty much the rest of their lives.

                                             What I want to know is, where are the women in Grady's life?????????  A stepmother was mentioned; obviously she had no influence on Jen. But what about her biological mother--wonder if there was a divorce????????  Maybe Mamma told Daddy not to spoil Sugar Plum too much, but he would not listen.  Well, look what it got him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 Jennifer Woamc will rot in the prison cell she deserves to!  Too low class, dumb and uninteresting to be Bitch Of The Week, the only thing she earns from this quarter is a huge slap across her face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                      Come on, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!  The line forms here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Might wanna fact check. She's from Decatur TN smarty

  2. Might wanna fact check. She's from Decatur TN smarty

  3. OMG, you were right! How did I get Athens, Ohio? Maybe she lived there for awhile, and I confused that? Anyway, I fixed it.

    And just for the record, darling, I happen to be BRILLIANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
