Saturday, May 18, 2013

We Just LOVE Jodi, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Jodi Arias, that is, who is the most entertaining thing this side of Veda Pierce!!!!!!!!!!

                               If Jodi had taken up acting as a profession, I am telling you, she might be working along side MERYL!!!!!!!!!  Unlike the Divine Miss Streep, Jodi performs better on Shakespeare's stage, which is all the world, and in the ubiquitous Court Of Public Opinion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Jodi is some piece of work.  According to one forensic psychologist, she is the "21st Century version of the character played by Glenn Close in 'Fatal Attraction'."  But look closely at Jodi; she has no style, like Alex Forrest.  Except, before all this happened, Jodi was one sexy looking thing, with blonde hair, and a promiscuous approach to things, which satisfied Travis, who was just a big old horn dog, anyway!!!!!!!!!  Don't let that Mormon hypocrisy crap fool you; he was no angel!!!!!!!  The way he allowed himself to be photographed, parading his sexual exploits before the wonder he and Jodi were such a match made in Hell!!!!!!!!!  But, something went sour; Travis met this girl, Maria, who must have ignited fires in him that Jodi didn't, so it was goodbye to Jodi!!!!!!!!  But, Jodi was not  about to stand for that; no sir, indeed, so she hunted Travis down, and, at his most vulnerable, killed him, like Norman Bates killed Marion Crane, in the shower!  But not before these two pigs had sex, and were caught on camera, doing it!!!!!!  Wonder if Maria knew about that???????  Goes to show, you offer Travis a bit of tail, he will jump at the chance, no matter who or what!!!!!!!!!!  But, then, he was a salesman; what could you expect???????

                            But that Jodi!!!!!!!!!!!  As soon as things started looking bad for her, she transformed herself from Beach Bunny to Bronte Heroine.  To evoke as much sympathy as she could.  She started pouring out tales of an abusive childhood, denied by some, and argued Travis attacked her, and that she reacted in self defense!!!!!!!!!!!  Yeah, right!  The only thing Jodi was defending was her damaged ego!!!!!!!!!!

                            And, then, during the trial, she Twittered daily, offering her own commentary on things, often laughing  about it??????????  Can you imagine, darlings????????? This would be like if I were on trial, and did one of these blog posts, in my cell!!!!!!!!  If I were being cross examined, darlings, you can bet I would give what-all to the prosecutor, about his cheating wife, and Little Sister not missing, when she aims her gun!!!!!    And that whole crying act, in  the cross examination, breaking down, minus tears, covering her face, long hair hiding it, so she looks like Sadako in "Ringu!!!!!!!!"
Way to go, Jodi!!!!!!!!!!  Milk it, for all it is worth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Guess Jodi wasn't much of an actress, because the jury did not buy her act, and convicted her!!!!!!!!!!  Then she goes all "Lucretia," (can you imagine????) saying she wants the Death penalty for freedom!!!!!!!!  Which, of course, guarantees her Life Without Parole!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Dumb, like a fox!  That's Jodi!!!!!!!!!!!  You gotta hand it to her. It's like what one
cinephile said about Joan Crawford, as Lucy Harbin, in "Strait-Jacket---"

                              "We LOVE that crazy bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!".

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