Sunday, May 19, 2013

A Lovely Day For All, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And Then..................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Yesterday, darlings, found us, in, of all places, Chatham, New Jersey.  The occasion was the 80th Birthday celebration of Marilyn Frankel, and it was held at their daughter Hallye's palatial manse, very much like the one, seen above.  A bevy of guests and bon vivants descended upon the place, and I am telling you, I just want, for one Saturday morning, to rent from them the back window by the banquette, so I can sit there and drink coffee!!!!!!!!!!!  What a view!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Also honored was Hallye's son, Jarrett, who just graduated from college, as well as the 30th birthdays of Blaine and Jennifer, plus the recent birth of Chris and Stacy's baby son!!!!!!!!!!  Who, at three months,along with guest dog Irving, was the cutest thing there!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Other noteworthy guests included Sybil, wife of the oldest friend of Marilyn's husband Len's, Bill.  Sybil, dressed in black, with her hair styled back and a pink sweater tied round her neck, was very classy looking, resembling Joan Fontaine.  And we were honored by the appearance of media guru and political spokesperson, Arnell Dowret!!!!!!!!!  Oh, girls, I am telling you, that Arnell!!!!!!!   Those big shoulders, that beard, and what a nice smile!  Keep you eyes on him, girls, and bat those eyes!!!!!!!!  I am sure Arnell would love it!!!!!!!!!!

                                    The food was fabulous, including a chicken chili that turned out to be too spicy, even for Gojira!!!!!!!!!  And you know what a stomach HE has!!!!!!!!!!!  There was cake, coffee, brownies....a wonderful time was had by all, topped off by a heartfelt speech from Marilyn which brought tears to the eyes of yours truly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Ah, but then, BUT THEN!!!!!!!!!!  We had the train ride, back to New York, from Chatham.  Things were pretty much sanguine, until we hit Broad  Street and Newark....where this bunch of dizzy young queens got on, and, with no consideration for anyone else, overwhelmed our car with THEIR presence!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     As an older queen, dolls, let me say, I am all for being gay and proud!!!!!!!! I mean, isn't this what my blog stands for???????  But this crew was SO faux!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       All of them talking in pretentiously, and I am certain obviously manufactured, high pitched, affected, nasal voices!!!!!!!!!!!  Like a gaggle of geese trying to impersonate Katherine Hepburn!!!!!!  The leader of the crew, with nice, wavy, Jake Gyllenhaal hair, dispelled this potentially nice appearance, with his prattling about girl friends (wink! wink!) in Barbados, and how whatever HE does is SO important!  Yeah, right!  He was dressed in this white jacket, and nice tailored, colored outfit, acting like he was something out of F. Scott Fitzgerald, which only tells me he must have come from a recent  screening of the Di Capprio "Great Gatsby," because you can be sure Miss Thing never read a page of Fitzgerald, in his short life!!!!!!!!!!

                                         You know the type, dears!  The kind who think "Spring Awakening" is art!  Who would criticize "West Side Story," because it has too much dancing!!!!!!!!!  Or place the artistry of Lady Gaga above Barbra Streisand!!!!!!!!  Even Lady Gaga would question that!!!!!!!!!!  And you sure as hell better believe BARBRA would!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Of course, this crew was headed to where we were--New York!!!!!!  Where they were probably going to see "Spider Man," or some such nonsense, for the umpty-ninth time!!!!!!!!!!  Gag me with a spoon, darlings!!!!!!!!  I could not wait to be rid of these geese!!!!!!!  Goose them all!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             But we were happy for Marilyn and crew, and thank Hallye profusely for inviting us!  And I still want to rent that space!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               It just goes to show, dolls--there is no queen, like a Raving one!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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