Sunday, May 19, 2013

"We Will Not Go Back To That Time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                               Christine Quinn, perfect casting though she may be, for "The Killing Of Sister George," has a point, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!  We must continue, however we choose, to say "Fuck you!" to homophobia!!!!!!!!!!!

                                The latest is just horrible.  Mark Carson, 32, was gunned down Friday night in the Village, by this scumbag, Elliot Morales, 33!!!!!!!!!  The first thing I want to say is I would like to see Irving, the guest dog from yesterday's party, rip Morales' balls off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  What is interesting is, when the anti-gay confrontation initially took place, it was Carson's friend, who mouthed off!  Just like I might have, which would, you think, made him more of a target than Carson--and tells me I better keep my mouth shut, save on here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     But, no!  Carson triggered something in Morales, so he went after him.  Even the guy the scumbag was with tried to stop him.  And now an out and proud gay man, who loved this city, lies dead, while this scum is still alive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Well, mark my words, darlings!!!!!!!!  Morales will be hauled back to the slammer, and if he is not murdered in prison, you can bet he will be forced to become somebody's Bitch!!!!!!!!!!   See how you like it, then, Elliot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Have we come this far, girls, to have to put up with this????  Sure, it is easy enough to say Morales was irrational, out looking for trouble, and would have found it anyway!!!!!!!!  But if this kind of behavior is not squelched, it will give card carrying homophobes the idea they have carte blanche to treat community members however they please!!!!!!!!!  Slap these bitches silly, darlings!!!!!!!!!!
And not with your Barbra Streisand albums!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Hate crimes, I don't care whom they are directed at, are hateful, and will not be tolerated!!!!!!!!!!!  Don't allow any social group to be forced back into the closet of its own isolation!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Meanwhile, I have my own solution for homophobia!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                Torture offenders by making them listen, continuously, to the cast album of "Illya, Darling!" with Melina Mercouri!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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