Wednesday, May 1, 2013

What A Nice Counterpart To The Rutgers Debacle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Call it poetic justice, darlings!   After the scandal erupting over Coach Rice's abusive and homophobic behavior to players at Rutgers, coupled with his firing, and that of several others, it seemed almost inevitable someone would step forward in a more exemplary light!  And who would have thought a sports related story would have made it on to the Raving Queen????????  How many times does that happen, loves?????????  Only if discussing "Damn Yankees," or "High Button Shoes!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                       I was thrilled to hear that Jason Collins, late of the Celtics, and currently of the Washington Wizards, had come out as a gay man!!!!!!!!!!!!  For all my still single girls out there, Jason is a hottie; it's nice when a role model also LOOKS good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  But more important, it paves the way for not only others in sports who may be gay, but also those who are who may want to participate, but have felt hold back both by their sexuality, and how the sports world relates to it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Now, I have two left hands, darlings, but not all gay youngsters are non-athletic!!!!!!  Some are quite athletic, and if you speak to some of these people, what I expect you will find is a desire to fully participate, but a fear of being attacked for being different, keeping them from doing something they should do, and would enjoy doing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Jason's declaration may, hopefully, if not change all that at once, at least start things turning in a more positive direction.  I cannot fathom his motive, but admire its intention, and would not be surprised if the Rutgers thing had something to do with it.  Between this and Tyler Clementi, that school is getting a bad rep; to think I brooded over not going there!  Now, I am not at all sorry I didn't!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             But kudos to Jason, from the Raving Queen!!!!!!!!!!!!  Bet he can do "Dreamgirls," darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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