Wednesday, May 1, 2013

What A Contrast HERE, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    As my most beloved Monsieur is apt to say from time to time, "You crazy Catholics!!!!!!"   Well, girls, he certainly has a point now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     While Jason Collins is being lauded for his decision, Carla Hale, a Catholic school teacher for 19 years in the Columbus, Ohio, area, is fighting being fired for her sexual orientation!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         And it all started over an obit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          The Phys. Ed. teacher's mother recently passed away.  Which is sad enough for Carla to deal with.  But, in writing the obit, the paper mentioned her partner as her spouse.  Again, what is wrong with that??????????

                                           But then came a letter to the administration from "a concerned parent," ( and I would like to see what kind of a person this "concerned parent" actually is.  Bet there are all kinds of skeletons in those closets!!!!!!!!) suggesting Hale should not be teaching, because her relationship is not in accordance with the teachings of the Church.

                                             This whole thing, darlings, is more in accordance with Lillian Hellman's "The Children's Hour."  I told you that play is not dated, that it could happen today, and this example is certainly proof positive of that.

                                               I am sure the school and students knew for years the nature of Miss Hale's and her partner's relationship!!!!!!!!!!!!  So, how come all of a sudden, a witch hunt is being conducted?????????

                                                 The only witches here who should be burned are the letter writer that started all this, and the administrators who caved in with cowardice in support of said ghastly creature!!!!!!!!!!!  They are the ones who should be outed, then bitch slapped across the face, in front of the entire school, in the auditorium!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   What contrasting stories!!!!!!!!!  What does this say about America?????  You have to wonder, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Though it says less about our nation in general, and more about religious zealots using faith to exploit their issues, and further their agenda!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                         Is this good Catholicism??????????  Not really!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Wonder what Sister Camille would have to say about this???????????????????

                                                          I say reinstate Carla to an environment where she seemed to be loved,  and cast out the demon who tormented her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                           Hey, Mary!!!!!!!!!!  Tell these bozos to get with the program!!!!!!!!!!!!

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