Wednesday, May 1, 2013

How About Those TONY Nominations, Girls????????????????

                                        I will say this right now with complete assurance, though I have not seen the production yet. Andrea Martin, in "Pippin," has the lock on Best Actress In A Featured Role In A Musical!!!!!"  Without question!!!!!!!!!!   That is the first thing I have to say about this year's TONY Awards nominations!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          The second is---wha------------------??????????  No Bette Midler???????  No Fiona Shaw??????????  Bet they are royally pissed, and, lambs, they SHOULD be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             "A Christmas Story" as Best Musical??????????  It only played for a limited time; remember when other Christmas themed shows, like "Here's Love!" ran the whole year??????????
And don't even get me started on "Bring It On--The Musical!!!!!!!!!!"  That slot should have gone to "Motown--The Musical!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                              What are these TONY voters thinking?????????  What are they on?????? More to the point, what do they need to BE on, because some of this judgement defies logic.

                                                And you know it is going to be a slug out, between  "Matilda, The Musical," and "Kinky Boots," for Best Musical!!!!!!!!!!!!  My money is on "Matilda," darlings, after the footage I have seen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 So what is left????????

                                                  Best Play is like--who cares?  "The Assembled Parties" sounds the most promising and, while so many people have told me they love "Vanya And Sonia And Masha And Spike," honestly, it's just Christopher Durang doing his old.........Christopher Durang thing again!!!!!!!!!!!!  "Lucky Guy" is fluff, while "The Testament Of Mary," outside of a bravura performance by Fiona Shaw, is nothing for religious groups to get worked up about!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     Nathan Lane in "The Nance?"   The casting is almost cruel, but I am sure he nails it.  As sure a thing as Andrea Martin is "Pippin" for winning Best Musical Revival.  While it looks like veterans Holland Taylor and Cicely Tyson will slug it out for the Best Leading Actress In A Play Award!!!!!!!!!

                                                        I just don't know what to say, darlings!!!!!!!!!  The TONY Awards and nominees are only as good as the previous theater season was.  Which is not saying much, I know!  And "Cinderella," nominated for so many things it does deserve, but, I mean, Douglas Carter Beane's book?????

                                                         People used to complain the TONY voters were a bunch of old coots, and fuddy duddies!!!!!!!!!!  Now that that group has passed, I think they have become a group of aging hippies and druggies, whose brains are in a state of deterioration from their youthful pasts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                            What else could account for such a moronic assortment of nominees, and omissions??????????

                                                                Thank God for Jessie Mueller's Drama Desk Award nomination!!!!!!!!!!!!

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