Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Oh, My God!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Deanna Is Gone?????????????????

                                 Honestly, girls, I had almost forgotten she was still alive!!!!!!!  I may as well confess something right now.  In my childhood, after I outgrew my Shirley Temple phase, and before I  understood the nature of what puberty was about, and discovered Judy Garland's artistry, as well as the Garlandesque potential of my own voice, Deanna Durbin, pictured above, was who I wanted to be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   I wanted to have as lovely and clear a soprano as she!!!!!!!!!!  If I had been castrated, (OUCH!!!!!!!!) who knows??????????  But then I would be a eunuch.  I just wanted to hit those high notes, wear my hair and white dress, just like Deanna, and get backed by a full orchestra!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    I have no idea how many queens our there nursed such dreams. And I did not nurse them for a very long time.  But I did, nevertheless.  Does anyone today know who Deanna Durbin was?????
Did anyone when I was of the age???????????????

                                      Her passing, at 91, reminds me that, had she lived, Judy Garland would today be the same age!!!!!!!!!!  Can you imagine???????????  Liza wouldn't stand a chance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  To think they (Garland and Durbin) were teamed, and it was her career that took off before Judy's, but when Judy's finally did--with, guess what? darlings--"The Wizard Of Oz!"--WOW!!!!!!!!!!  There was nothing to stop her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       With Deanna goes another exemplar of Hollywood's Golden Age, and the age of child stars, when a kid could go from obscurity to make-up calls at the studio!!!!!!!!  Just like I wanted to, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           So, farewell to Deanna Durbin!!!!!!!!!!!!  I'll have to dig up a DVD copy of "100 Men And A Girl" (imagine that title being so innocuous; you wouldn't dare use it today, unless you were a porn company, loves!!!!!!!!!) to pay special tribute to this noteworthy, if not altogether well known, Hollywood star!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Whom that cheap knockoff, Gloria Jean (still alive at 87, can you believe it??????) could not hold a candle to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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