Thursday, May 2, 2013

Girls, Let Me Tell You, THIS Mama Is Not About To Do "Gypsy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                     While she may look like someone bitching at a rehearsal for "Fiddler On The Roof," darlings, let me assure you, she is not. She is Zubeidat Tsarneva,  (and if you think it is hard to spell, try pronouncing it!!!!!!!!!) otherwise known as the Boston Bombers' mother!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        And she is the winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award???????

                                         Why?  Because, lambs, I am convinced she was the mastermind behind it all!  She may not have planted and triggered those explosives, but she is just as responsible as her sons!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Just look at the show she has been putting on, ever since the incident happened.  The aggrieved parent, whose boys were railroaded!!!!!!!!!!!!  Like a Siberian Mama Rose!!!!!!  Yeah, right!!!!!!!!!!!!  These boys were most likely indoctrinated by Mama into some kind of hate mode, then elder brother fine tuned his training, and
then brainwashed his surviving younger sibling.  Not to mention his American born wife, who, I am convinced, will soon be singing a very different tune.  As may the younger brother, though he is without question guilty as charged, and will never see the light of day again.

                                              But, listen to me, dolls, Mama Tsarneva is the one to keep an eye on!!!!!  Who knows what other pies she has her fingers in, or what further malevolence she is planning?  And don't be surprised if she is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                With a mother like this, how did the boys stand a chance?????????  Not to excuse them from what they did, but perhaps, with different influence, they may not have been driven to this path.
                                                    Other family members have labeled the boys "losers," and have practically called the mother a nut!!!!!!!!!!  Which she is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                      So, here is to Zubeidat Tsarneva as this week's Bitch Of The Week!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                       But, do not expect her to do "Rose's Turn" anytime soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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