Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Keepin' All Our Secrets Safe Tonight, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   "Nobody does it better.
                                                    Makes me feel sad for the rest.
                                                    Nobody does it half as good as you.
                                                    Baby, you're the best.
                                                    -----Carly Simon, "The Spy Who Loved Me"

                         Cue in Carly Simon, girls; isn't Edward Snowden the cutest looking spy on either side of the globe????  Bet some of my girls, who are single, wouldn't mind having him take a peek at them, or taking a peek at him!  Just don't move over in that bed, and make room for him dears!  Remember, good girls do what Mama says...when Mama's not  around!!!!!!!!!

                            There has been so much attention on Mr. Snowden, lately.  Michael Moore has gone so far to say he is the Hero Of The Year-and I am not sure he is wrong!!!!!!!!!!  Others have said his is a dangerous narcissist.

                                As a former child of the 60's, I say to Mr. Snowden--RIGHT ON!!!!!!  Anyone blowing whistles on corporate wrongdoing is fine by me.

                                Though why the United States Government should be interested in so many anonymous hordes is beyond me. Take this blog. IF they want to read it, what will they find???? Gossip, show tips,  book recommendations--pretty much what you might find on Perez Hilton, only we are much more sophisticated over here, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!  It would not surprise me if President Obama read this each morning for some laughs; with all on his plate, dolls, he needs some!!!!!!!!!!.  And I would bet Michelle and the girls consult this on what to wear, who's a bitch, or what shows to see when visiting New York.

                                   What I find more questionable, and disturbing, about Mr. Snowden, is something I heard Andrea Mitchell raise while reporting on his story.  Why would a prestige organization hire someone with very little formal education?  Mr. Snowden, while obviously bright, is a high school dropout--who, nevertheless, got his GED--and was only in the Army for seven months, when he was discharged for breaking both legs in training. Even Beetle Bailey made it through Basic, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Still more disturbing was the response a corporate wag gave--that the real whiz kids of today are those who have been fingering computer keys, since before they learned to talk!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Which is pretty much saying "Screw You!" to anyone of us who is erudite, well read, literate and literary, keeps up with such, and has had any kind of formal education, ranging from an Undergraduate Degree to a Doctorate.  With attitudes like this floating around, maybe there is a point to Mr. Snowden's actions.

                                            This story isn't over yet, hons, and there will be plenty of time to ogle Mr. Snowden!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Wouldn't you all love to see him pop out of the water, like Daniel Craig?????????

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