Monday, June 10, 2013

The TONY Awards Were Enjoyable, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But, Oh My God, That Diane Paulus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    It was a fairly interesting program, girls, with some surprises that made it interesting--like Tracy Letts beating out Tom Hanks for Best Actor (Play), and Christopher Durang's work winning over the late Nora Ephron's.  Bet Tom Hanks was royally pissed; he certainly looked it, as Letts marched up to that stage!

                                    Tough luck, Tom!!!!!!!!! As far as this town is concerned, you may be able to DO theater, but you are not OF it!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Likewise, the producers of "Lucky Guy," though I was happy for Courtney B. Vance, who has been around a long time, and I just loved him as the Uncle Tom ADA Carver on "Law And Order, Criminal Intent!"  And it was about time Christopher Durang won something; not only has he been cranking them out for thirty or more years, but, in my brief (and they were brief, girls!!!!!!!!!) forays into playwriting, he was an important influence!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      How about "Kinky Boots" over "Matilda????????"  Some predicted it, but I was truly surprised, especially since the staging in the latter was more impressive than the former.  Not that I don't now want to see 'Kinky,' which looks loads of fun!  But, with the reviews "Matilda" got when it opened, I thought it was just going to walk right up on stage, then!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Wasn't Cicely Tyson adorable, dolls??????? About time a REAL actress, with a lifetime of work is awarded.  Not some ingenue making her one hit Broadway debut, which has often been the case!  I want all my girls to flock to Cicely, before she checks outta town!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          The wonderful Andrea Martin--I had no idea she had already won a TONY Award, back in 1993, for "My Favorite Year!"  But she was brilliant casting as Grandma in "Pippin," and while I was not overly impressed with what I saw of that much over hyped revival, I would love to see it, for Andrea!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Which brings me to Diane Paulus!!!!!!!!!!!  Oh, my God!!!!!!!!!  Did you see the smirk of smug arrogance on her face, not only when she won, but whenever someone from her show did??????  She probably ordered the cameraman to do that!  Bitch!!!!!!!!!  And she has a HUSBAND???????????  And two DAUGHTERS?????????  Bet hubby runs scared, and locks his door every night, and you know, living with Diane, those girls will have major therapy issues, as they mature.  I don't think much of Paulus to begin, with, and I don't know if she can act, but you know what, darlings?????????  On the basis of her personality, she would be terrific as the lead--the wife--in a revival of the 1950's play, "The Shrike!"   She certainly LOOKS the part!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Of course, I cannot blame Diane altogether!  She is only doing her job!  I blame the critics, who so quickly buy into her schtick!  Giving her praise and a TONY Award is like acquitting a serial killer; the killer will find more victims, and now Miss Paulus has carte blance to find another show to destroy!!!!!!!!!!!!!  You get what you deserve, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Keep on giving Judith Light those TONY Awards; she is one of our great American actresses, and it is affirming to see her recognized!   And keep Neil Patrick Harris hosting--he is smooth as silk, and, honeys, this queen knows HIS theater!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Wasn't Jake Gyllenhaal elegant and dreamy???????  Find some way to bring him back to the New York stage; I sense, somewhere, a TONY on the horizon for this young man, who is too fine an actor to be ignored!  And who was that handsome gent next to him, in the audience?????? See what you did, Reese?????????  You made Jake come to his senses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 And as for Audra McDonald, she was, as always, perfection!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 But where the hell was Jessie Mueller??????????????????????


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