Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Aunt Pittypat Would Be Appalled, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Is the KFC Company so in danger of going under they have to resort to cheap publicity, like this?

                                      That is one of several questions I have about this giant bucket which has been placed on the front lawn of the Hendricks family in Waynesboro, Georgia!  I am not surprised this happened in the South, but I am telling you Aunt Pittypat, Scarlett and Mammy would not stand for it!

                                        The first thing I want to know is why would someone take and waste the time to create such a monstrosity?   And how?

                                          Second, why do the Hendricks merit this kind of attentnion?  Why are they being singled out, as opposed to other families in Waynesboro??????????

                                             It reminds me of trips to Red Bank, when, deep in South Jersey, we would pass the offices of the Lbby Company, which had a giant Dixie cup on its lawn.  I used to fantasize about the thing being filled with a gigantic  chocolate (or, as I prefer, black and white) milk shake, and I would be dropped in it to swim around, and then slurp up as much of the sweet, tasty mixture as I could.  To fantasize about this much Kentucky Fried Chicken would only lead to high blood pressure and clogged arteries!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Maybe it is some kind of medical ploy????????????

                                                Could it have something to do with "Honey Boo Boo????????"

                                                 Get that thing off the Hendricks lawn, and at least place it in the parking lot or front entrance of the nearest KFC Franchise, where it belongs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  Cluck, cluck, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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