Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Looks Like Pope Francis Listens To Sister Camille Every Sunday Morning!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   I am not sure if the Vatican can tune in to radio station 1010 WINS here in New York, but, if it can, then that is one of the first miracles worked by our present Pope. And I am convinced it is, because, like all of us, in our house, Sunday morning is not complete without a cup of coffee and listening to the commentary on said station made by Sister Camille D'Arienzo, of the Sisters Of Mercy.

                                    Sister Camille, in her own, quiet way, tells it like it is, and she is no Gladys Cooper type nun. She wants to get rid of that image fast!  As, apparently, does the Pope, whose comments about gays having more inclusion  in the Church, and being judged less harshly, has delighted many Catholics all over, while riling some, I am sure.  To those latter, I say, get with it, folks--the times, they are a changing!!!!!!!!!!

                                       I was so thrilled to see Jeff Stone, whom I know from Dignity, interviewed about this on TV last night.  Jeff looked fabulous, in front of the LGBT Center, and I can tell he was thrilled, too!!!!!!!!!!  We have a long way to go, darlings, but it is a small step!  Which we never thought would have been made, back in the 1960s.

                                        So, thanks to Pope Francis, and, I have no doubt to Sister Camille!  Wonder if the Pope listens to BARBRA?

                                         I bet Sister Camille does!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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