Wednesday, July 31, 2013

If Only I Went Viral, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Could You Imagine??????????????????

                                  Last night's episode of "Rizzoli And Isles," entitled "Someone's Watching Me," was somewhat of a comedown, after all the Hope-Paddy Doyle drama of the past season.  Not that this was not entertaining; it was.  There was enough to enjoy, be annoyed about, and it introduced a character that I, personally, would love to see more on the series.

                                      That character is Leroy, a 79-year-old hoarder of choice collectibles, who lives alone, and whose murder of his friend, Danny, kicks off the episode.  But what really sets it in motion is Jane's starting out to have a bad day, which, girls, I can relate to.

                                          First, she has no running water in her condo.  The manager, Gil, comes to take care of things, but all he seems interested in is Jane's cleavage, when the poor woman has not yet had a shower--or worse--with no running water, cannot make coffee!!!!!!!!!!!  Do you know what would happen to me, if I could not make coffee at home?  I would be an Absolute, Fucking Bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Which Jane pretty much is, when she gets to her local Starbucks, and, first, it seems as though everyone ahead of her is being served first.  In New York, that is a way of life, darlings, unless you are Anna Wintour, or, like me, act like you are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  So, once again,  I could relate to Jane.

                                                  But when this mentally unstable spaz thing bumps into Jane, spilling the coffee all over her, Jane suddenly becomes known as Mean Detective Jane, when the whole thing goes viral on You Tube, and she is a local celebrity whom everyone hates!!!!!!!!!!!!  Poor Jane!   Though I liked the
"B-B-B-Bitch!!!!!!!!!" edit on the video!  How applicable that would be to me!

                                                    This is when Jane gets the call to investigate Danny's murdered body in the basement of Leroy's house, where he keeps choice collectibles.  Leroy is not the most stable, so Maura, and eventually, Jane, charm him, and before you know it, he is helping them.

                                                      Actually, he is more of a help than Frankie and Frost.  Frost is just funny, but Frankie, with his hangdog appearance, is downright annoying; he should not be a detective, or get him off the show.  I blame him for what happens, when all he and Frost want to do is check out the assets of their newest female rookie, named Charlotte, or Charlie, for short, plus playing around with some of the antique toys in Leroy's collection!  Grow up, boys!!!!!!!!!!  And get Frankie off the show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                         Thank God Lorraine, as Angela, was on hand, to make coffee, and stir up support for a defense fund for Jane, when the city, through a combination of circumstances, fails to support her payment of a lawsuit by the deranged coffee patron, who is claiming second degree burns!!!!!!!!!!   Puh-leeeeeeeeeeeeze!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                            Everything turns out to be domestically related.  The coffee woman is the girlfriend of Gil, and they live on the first floor in Jane's building, and want her out of her third floor pad, so they can create a duplex!  Well, they get hauled off for fraud!  And Leroy's neighbor turns out to be a collector, pilfering Leroy's stuff, and selling it on E-Bay!!!!!!!!!!  Leroy is returned home safely, and to his own, private world.  I hope we get to see more of him.

                                                              But good riddance to bad rubbish.  The nice thing about this show is that you can always count on scum being hauled off to the slammer.   As for Jane, and her bad day, I can still relate.

                                                                 In just ten days, darlings, I face my 40th High School Reunion!  More shall be reported there, sweeties!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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