Monday, July 29, 2013

Darlings, Lili Taylor's Aerial Act In "The Conjuring" Is The Best Since Mary Martin As "Peter Pan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                    Girls, I wish that I could tell you this morning that "The Conjuring" is a horror masterpiece.  I wanted it to be, and I think the filmmakers did too.  It was directed by James Wan, and has his customary visual style associated with his films, most especially the underrated, and far superior, "Dead Silence!"  As soon as I saw the opening shot of the evil doll, Annabelle, I thought this was going to be special.
But then................

                                    Imagine, horror star Vera Farmiga playing the most restrained character.  That is quite a novelty in itself, but then Vera's character does not need hysterics, because everyone else around her compensates.  Especially Lili Taylor.  Poor Lili Taylor.  When I heard she was in this, I said, "Where has she been?"  Once a promising actress on the indie fast track, Lili's last film that I saw was the 1999 remake of "The Haunting," and that was an embarrassment to everyone.  And while Lili might have been in things after that, I , for one cannot recall anything.   So, she tanks with a horror film, and now tries to come back with one.
However, I have a feeling, after this one, Lili won't be working for a long time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     But she's a good sport, as she allows herself to be tied up, covered with a sheet, then goes about levitating, then bursting out of the chair, and flying through the air, hair sticking out in all directions, screaming, grimacing, and finally having blood spurt out of her mouth!  And when one of the daughters takes off into flight, well, I figured they were trying to do a macabre homage to "Peter Pan!!!!!!!!"  But we Theater Queens know best--Mary (Martin) does it best, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        And how about the embarassing homage to Hitchcock and "The Birds?" Pigeons of the world should be insulted by this!!!!!!!!  And there is no reason for it!
                                     So, how can this film be taken seriously?  Even with the expert cinematography, the set piece of artifacts from the Warrens' other cases, the crazed, possessed mother who kills her child, and is descended from the Salem Witches...........honeys, I am telling you everything is thrown into the mix.
Oh, and the last line is a glib reference to the Amityville Horror!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      For, like that, this is purportedly based on a true story!  And Earl and Lorraine Warren, played by Patrick Wilson (still looking good, girls!!!!!!!!!!) and Vera Farmiga, are real people.
As are the family shown in the film.

                                        You would never guess it, from how the film is executed--like some sort of fun house freak show!  It might be loads of fun, and at times is, if only it weren't, at other times, so ponderous and slow moving.  "The Conjuring" wants to have it both ways--serious horror and high flying camp--but it can't.  It would better have settled for one or the other!
                                         But you will just LOVE Lili's high flying, aerial act!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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