Monday, July 29, 2013

Oh, Paula, Honestly! You Are Just TOO Much!

                        Monsieur and I were back "On The Case" last night, with Paula Zahn, as she covered the horrifying murder, in Nashville, Tennessee, of Marcia Trimble, who vanished on February 25, 1975, while selling Girl Scout cookies in her neighborhood, (uhm-hmmm!) and whose body was found in a neighbor's garage on Easter Sunday of that year.  But the neighbor did not murder Marcia, and it was not for 33 years, thanks to DNA, that Jerome Sydney Barrett,  62, in 2008, but 29, in 1975, came upon Marcia while trolling her neighborhood, by chance, for victims he could exercise his sexual predatory lust on!

                          Poor Marcia, but she got justice, because Jerome is now in the slammer for good!
But poor Paula!  Still spewing out those monologues like a an underachiever at the Lee Strasberg Institute, convinced she is on the journalistic level of the New York Times, completely unaware that she is trolling the Trash Journalism Circuit, simply to keep herself afloat!

                         Most of which I have pointed out before!  But last night, while watching, and, this time, managing to stay awake through Paula, I had a brainstorm of an idea!

                           If Paula could develop a sense of humor, or be made to aware how her act of seriousness verges on self-parody, "On The Case" would make one hell of a one-woman Broadway show!

                            That's right, darlings!  Either have Paula herself, or someone playing her, do a mono comedy-drama just like the show.  Cases mentioned onstage would have to be fictionalized, and there would have to be humorous twists and turns to make the grotesque palatable, but, hey, if "Sweeney Todd" could do it, why not Paula Zahn???????????????

                             This would be a hoot, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  If Paula did it, it would be a goldmine for her; if another actress (who, I wonder,?) were cast, it could be that actress' career stepping stone!

                               I really think I am on to something here!  Maybe Charles Busch should get to work!

                               We love you, Pula, but wake up and smell the coffee--you are one step closer to "Petticat Junction," rather than "60 Minutes!"

                                 And, girls, just to be safe, I would not go about, selling Girl Scout cookies!!!!!!!!!!!!

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