Monday, July 29, 2013

Girls, Here Is Another Piece Of Work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             That Elizabeth Haysom!   I am telling you, darlings, she is one Missy who should have been sent to bed without supper earlier, and often!  Now she is in permanent limbo, serving a 90 year prison sentence at the Fluvanna Correctional Center For Women, in Troy, Virginia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             This presumptuous Princess was the product of Derek and Nancy Haysom, a well-to-do Canadian couple.  Both had been married before, and, between them, had five other children, many of them grown, on their own, and doing well. Elizabeth was their own baby girl, and they showered her with everything, even after they retired and moved to Lynchburg, Virginia. Elizabeth was privately educated (at Wycombe Abbey, an English boarding school!!!!!!!), and, being an exceptional student, won for herself a scholarship to UVA--the University of Virginia, where Katie Couric graduated.  Who knows, if Elizabeth had tapped into her potential, she might have gone as far as Katie.

                                               But she made two dumb decisions.  One, was to get involved with drugs, and the other was to commence a relationship with fellow freshman Jens Soring, son of a German diplomat.  The mistake was a perfect storm; both were sociopaths with high degrees of entitlement, and when these two came together, a time bomb was created.

                                                 Things happened gradually.  Elizabeth brought Jens home to meet her parents, who were less than impressed.  This made her royally pissed at her elders, and she continued the relationship, against their wishes, and in open defiance of their expectations for her, in a highly codependent, pathological symbiosis.

                                                   Being sociopaths, the two come, eventually, to an irrational decision--that Elizabeth's parents are standing in the way of their happiness, and the only way to remedy this situation is to get rid of them.  Sound familiar, darlings?????????  I bet you know what is coming!!!!!!!  I'll say this for Romeo and Juliet, or Tony and Maria--neither thought of murder as an option!  Even in the midst of passion, they had some sense.

                                                     But they also weren't drug addicted sociopaths.  The story goes that, on the weekend of March 30, 1985, the couple drove to Washington. D.C. and while Elizabeth stayed in some lodgings, Jens drove up to Lycnchburg, charmed his way into the Hysoms' home, and murdered them.  Their bodies were found on the morning of March 30, and it was a scene of brutal carnage and butchery.

                                                        Now, here, girls, is where things get dicey.

                                                        When Liz and Jens were apprehended, in London, six months after the murders, (they had fled shortly thereafter) they were charged with check fraud.  Back in Virginia, both turned on the other, with Jens still proclaiming his innocence.  He was charged with the murders, and serves a life term, and she with accessory, before the fact.  To this day, Jens proclaims his innocence, but let me tell you one thing, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                            Not for one minute do I think either one is innocent.  And not for one minute do I think Elizabeth stayed in D.C.  She was there, in Lynchburg, with Jens, and she did just as much stabbing of her parents as he did, probably getting off on getting out her sociopathic hatred.  Don't believe Elizabeth for a second!  She is as much of a murderer as Jens, and I would tell this to her face!  And if she wants to challenge me on here, she better watch it!  This bitch can take care of another bitch, you can be sure of that!

                                                              I hope the other five half siblings pounced on the money, so that Elizabeth never sees a red cent!  Another one who should have been alive and convicted during the Salem Witchcraft trials!  I am telling you, darlings, they were good for something!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                 However, being in prison for 90 years, if she lasts that long, should wither her away, like the Leech Woman!  Good riddance to bad rubbish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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