Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Darlings, I Have Decided I Want A "Cries And Whispers" Wedding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 When it comes to weddings, it is never too soon to plan, girls, and just this morning this wonderful still from the 1972 Ingmar Bergman film "Cries And Whispers' (one of my faves!!!!!!!) was running through my mind, when I thought, "How perfect it would be, to have the ceremony, outdoors, in a wooded setting, with everyone dressed in white!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Of course, I have to narrow down what that means.  Should everyone wear white???????  I have to, girls; as the bride, plus, being so pure, I am obligated.  But should I impose this color on my guests????????  It might look a little overdone, don't you think??????????

                                        I think.  So I will keep this color scheme for the bride, groom and bridal party.  With parasols, of course, to match!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Now, I know MERYL would look fabulous in white (of course, what wouldn't MERYL look fabulous in????????) but I do not want to impose stylistic restrictions on her, or any of my non-celebrity guests.

                                          But won't we all look just stunning in white, walking down the aisle, and at the altar????????  I simply cannot wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            And it WILL be covered by VOGUE, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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