Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Fastest Flying Month Of The Year So Far, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                      Can you believe, darlings, that today is the last of July????????  Seems like yesterday we were greeting my favorite of the Summer months, awaiting the arrival of July 4th, and the trip to my sister's and father's.  Now, all that is behind us, with August looming ahead, and with it my 40th High School Reunion, which is unbelievable that so much time has passed, even more wonderful that I will be accompanied by the most wonderful escort imaginable--my own, beloved Monsieur!!!!!!!!!--so what could go wrong?  Well, old resentments are starting to service, I am wondering whether or not I will at least be given the Time of Day from Roberta, not to mention I never felt as warm and fuzzy about this time of my life as my classmates, as I was convinced, from kindergarten on up, that I really did not belong in school with them!  A feeling which lasted, until I began college, where I DID belong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                           But I am getting away from the issue, and that is this is Farewell to July!  It has been a fabulous month, and I hope that August is the same, although we already have some excitement lined up already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                              Bye bye, July!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  You were great, as always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. As Bette Davis said, "Fasten your seat belts..." because if I go, things could get explosive.

    Unfortunately, at the time of all this, one of my brand meds has been raieed to an unaffordable sum. The doctor has me on both that and its generic, and I have noticed mood swings, particularly aimed at anger dealing with thiongs from the past. So not sure if I will go. It might be a free for all, However, we have hotel reservations to stay in town, so we may end up going. I just need to be watched.

  2. Uh oh, this should be good, lol!
