Thursday, August 1, 2013

Greeting, Girls, To This Most Ambivalent Of Months!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            This has always been the most ambivalent month for me, darlings!   I can remember, back in elementary school, being on vacation with my parents, somewhere in New England.  We were staying in a motel, that had a pool, and I had swam the evening before,  but I remember, as I awoke that morning, the first thought passing through my mind was a negative one.  I was depressed that it was August first, and that meant, a month from today would be Septemeber 1, which meant going back to school, which I did not like for all sorts of reasons.  And even though my school days are distant enough for most people to forgot them, I can recall, with clarity, every glaring detail, so August still brings some discomfort to me.

                                               But it was the month of Woodstock, which is something I have to celebrate, especially since having gotten there, earlier this Spring.  Take that, Betsy Trebat!  At least I was not busted at 16, and I did not need my younger sibling to pull me through Biology class!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  Which, of course, is reminder that my 40th  Year High School Reunion is coming up.  Scheduled for Saturday, August 10th, it will be a relatively small affair, but, with a couple of notable exceptions, I am not at all impressed by the guest list.

                                                      But we shall see. It is just possible that I might have a spectacular time. As long as everyone there realizes that THIS time it is all about ME and I had better be the one to get all the attention, and not Roberta and Nedra!  A free for all might ensue!  Hell, it's about time!

                                                       And let me tell you--I wouldn't mind. But I really want to be on my better behavior, and there is an even nicer fare to go to--the third birthday party of Miss Ruby!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                          Meanwhile, "Intolerance" starts tomorrow at the Film Forum!   Maybe I will see some of my girls there!

                                                             Welcome, August!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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