Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Finally! FINALLY! Jessie Gets A Mention!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Girls, I am telling you, I have been ready to slap Playbill Online across its face.  Hell, I think I will!  Take THAT, Andrew Gans, Mr. Editorial Director!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                Why??????????  Well, in the last two weeks, or so, Playbill did two articles--one a survey of actresses to hypothetically play the role of Fanny Brice in the hypothetical (at this point!) Broadway revival of "Funny Girl," and another, interviewing performers--actors and actresses--on what musical revival roles they would like to do.  And in each, not once--NOT ONCE--was Jessie Mueller mentioned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  This was inexcusable, because, as far as any potential Fanny Brices out there are concerned, Jessie is IT!  Even yours truly, who has trained for the role since BARBRA did it at the Winter Garden, back in 1964, when I was 9, concedes to this.  I have offered to do the role of Mrs. Brice, opposite Jessie, and, if she needs a night off, to step in then--and ONLY then!!!!!!--as Fanny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    As for Broadway revivals, well, how about us getting a look at Jessie as Amalia in "She Loves Me??????????"  Especially after seeing what she did with Carrie in "Carousel."  I don't know if the recent "RAGS" reading will yield Jessie a chance at Rebecca, but wouldn't that be fabulous????????  And can' t you just hear her singing the gorgeous "I Loved You Once In Silence," from "Camelot?????" Oh, my God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                      Well, as I said, finally someone took note.  Because, while the ink is not on paper yet, Jessie has been singled out as a contender for what of Broadway's classic and most sought after roles--Fantine in "Les Miserables."

                                                            Now, I have absolutely no problem with Jessie doing this role.  Never mind that  I dream of doing it, too!  For one thing were Jessie cast, it would get me to that revival of "Les Miz" quicker than anything.  But I have to wonder. Would this production allow Fantine to be played as written, or will it incorporate the movie into it; for example, will she now, as in the film, sing "I Dreamed A Dream," after "Lovely Ladie??????????."

                                                               And would Jessie really want to do Fantine?  She is a star on the rise, but it is a lot of work for so small a role.  Patti Lu Pone had already done "Evita," when she did it, back in 1985, she was anxious to work with the Royal Shakespeare Company, and they wanted to showcase a "name" in that role.  Jessie has not had her "Evita" yet, so would Fantine be a step back?  Not to mention, hons, it is a killer part!!!!!!!!!!  You are enacting someone's misery and defeat every night, dying of consumption, and singing one of the saddest songs ever composed for a musical.  It has to get to one after awhile.  Anyone playing Fantine has to be in a good emotional place when signing on for this role, or forget it--the part will destroy you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                   Jessie may not want to take this risk, and I for one could not blame her.  It's what makes me hesitate whenever I am asked to sing "I Dreamed A Dream."  Going to that "dark place," in order to do it, is harrowing.

                                                                     Nevertheless, if Jessie is cast, I will have my ticket the moment they go on sale!  Let's just be glad Playbill finally wised up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                        Musically, darlings, Jessie can do just about anything!  So--give her something to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Speaking of musicals, have you heard about the new one called Standby? It's part of the NY Musical Festival going on at Signature this week. Seems a certain small theatre company owner, not unknown to these pages,attended inebriated. He and a companion loudly mocked the show and laughed at inappropriate places. One of the actors angrily asked this guy if he'd like to come up and take a bow at the curtain call. Apparently, the guy had to be escorted out by security. Odd behavior from someone who runs his own theatre company!


  2. I had not heard about this show, but will look into it. As for said individual, how do you know? Were you there? I am just curious. In all my years of theatergoing, even at the lowsst of venues, I have never witnessed behavior like that. I agree --very strange.

    While there are some shows seen I might better have sat through intoxicated, it never occured to me t do so!

  3. I wasn't there, but All That Chat strikes again! Someone from that catty site was sitting directly behind the offending individual and recognized him. He said he couldn't even concentrate on the show because of this guy and his companion's boorish behavior. I'm just surprised such a small theatre actually had security to escort these guys out!


  4. Yes, those venues generally don't have security. I have to check in with All That Chat more often; I don't always do so, and I hear one can find out quite a lot! Thanks!
