Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Two More Artists On The Rise, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         What do I know about cultural events outside of New York?  Well, in San
Diego, right now, girls, there is something taking place called Comic Con, which I have a vested interest in, due to the Holm siblings, Jenni and Matt, pictured above, left to right, who just happen to be my niece and my nephew!  So, why shouldn't they get some free publicity from The Raving Queen?

                                             Jenni is Jennifer L. Holm, the internationally known author of three Newberry Honor books ("Our Only May Amelia," "Penny From Heaven," and "Turtle In Paradise," as well as the "Boston Jane" series, " the thriller "The Creek," "Middle School Is Worse Than Meat Loaf," and, of course, the award winning Baby Mouse series.

                                                Matt, Jenni's brother, illustrates (and brilliantly) the Baby Mouse books, which earned them recognition at this year's Comic Con, as "Baby Mouse For President" was named the "Best Graphic Novel Suited For Children 7 And Under."  Darlings, I loved it, too!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    Congratulations to you both!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   Some producer needs to get on the ball, and start things rolling on a Baby Mouse cartoon.  Then everyone can enjoy this fabulous character's adventures, and maybe I can enjoy  my one tenth of the action, being as my family, while I was growing up, owned the dog that inspired the Baby Mouse character! Whose name WAS Baby Mouse!

                                                      But that was then, this is NOW!  Having conquered Comic Con, where to next????????  Only time will tell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                         Maybe Baby Mouse will become a clinical social worker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                          Isn't this all just SO exciting, darlings???????????????????

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