Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Girls, It Is The End Of An Era!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                           "Chock Full O' Nuts is that Heavenly Coffee,
                                                              Heavenly Coffee, Heavenly Coffee,
                                                             Chock Full O' Nuts is that Heavenly Coffee,
                                                              Better coffee a millionaire's money can't buy."
                                                                 --The Chock Full O' Nuts Jingle

                                             Darlings, in my head, right now, I can hear the voice of Page Morton Black singing that song.  All through the television years of my youth--the Sixties and Seventies--she sang that each time Chock Full O' Nuts coffee advertised its product. It was a part of life.  And while, as a  confirmed coffee drinker, I never gravitated to that brand, (I still drink Maxwell House, which is still "Good to the last drop!") there was something warm and comforting about hearing Page sing that song.  It gave me a feeling of warmth, not to mention a craving for a cup of coffee.  And, over time, I have drank my share of Chock Full O Nuts, and yes, they make good coffee.

                                                 So, when she died, two days ago, at 97, it was another nail in the coffin of memories indigenous to the Baby Boomer (and before) generation.  The fact that she had also been a member of the Parkinson's Disease Foundation (in fact, she chaired it!!!!!!!!!) made me wonder whether this had been the cause of death, as none was mentioned.  But, hell, she was 97!  Just imagine surviving that long--and with Parkinson's, yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  She was also noted on the Manhattan  cabaret circuit in the Forties and Fifties, until she married Chock Full Of Nuts founder, William Black, after which her vocal rendering of her husband's product became more famous than any standard she did in clubs.

                                                    I am sure on YouTube or thereabouts, you can find an ad, featuring Page's voice.  It is truly the end of an era.

                                                      "A civilization gone with the wind," darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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