Sunday, July 14, 2013

Florida Scores Again, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    When I turned on the news on this computer this morning, darlings, and found out George Zimmerman was actually acquitted, I was in a state of genuine shock!  This was something I had never expected; so much so, I never considered it as a possibility!

                                       It just goes to show there are TWO kinds of justice in this country.  And, no, I am not talking about justice for the rich vs. the poor, I am talking about justice in Florida vs. the rest of the country.

                                       Florida Justice is its own entity.

                                       Now, concerning unfortunate Trayvon Martin--I am not saying he was exactly the most innocent of kids.  But he did not merit being shot down in cold blood because some right winger thought of RACE, so he shot before thinking!  And then he is acquitted!  Bet the KKK would have LOVED this!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Another reason for me not to live in Florida!  How safe can one feel there if one is not White bread, Republican, and right wing??????  Not too, my dears!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Hell, even Paula Deen doesn't reside there!

                                         Already the Rev. Al Sharpton has spoken out!  Can Joan Baez be far behind!!!!  Go, Al and Joan!  Let's hear from Angela Davis!  Bring back the radicalism of the 60s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        You can bet we have not heard the end of this.  Zimmerman may have got of free, but he better watch his bask, move out of state, or take on a new identity.  Meanwhile, in Florida, if you are the last bit out of step with its mainstream populace's perception of how you are perceived by them, you can be killed for it.

                                          And what kind of justice is that??????????????????????????????

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