Sunday, July 14, 2013

Happy Bastille Day, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Well, girls, Marie Antoinette may have said "Let them eat cake," and we have been doing just that, of late, most recently with the Dreaming Princess Cake, but today is actually Bastille Day, so Allons-ons, mes petits enfants!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Maybe I will take up some knitting today, like Madame De Farge.  I just LOVE her, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  And, of course, at some point I will play La Marseillaise."

                                    Actually today I am dining in the city, with Monsieur and my arch rival!  I will try and inject a French infusion into the meal and proceedings, though I do not believe where we are going (which I shall report on, girls!!!!!!!!!!!) is exclusively French.

                                     But another Bastille Day!!!!!!!!!!!  Can you believe it, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Personally, though, I prefer "Gigi," and "The Night They Invented Champagne!"

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