Friday, July 19, 2013

Girls, So Help Me, I Am Telling You, It Was That Slant-Eyed Miss, Christina Eddington!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Every suburban neighborhood seems to have its own version of Barry James. In mine, there was a whole constellation of them--Barry Levine, Ronald Axelrad, and, a block over on North Eleventh Avenue, Harold Baum.  These are guys who basically never leave home, and live with their parents till they die, then live in the house until they themselves eventually do.  Call them male spinsters, if you will.

                                            But there is often something creepy about them.  In the case of mine, there definitely was.  And many of these types do not work.

                                            Barry James was one of those types.  He was something of a high achiever, even if he did cling to home, earning both a Bachelor's and Master's Degree, working locally, then, when health problems forced him to retire, working part time at a local funeral home. And he had a strong belief that if you are born in a certain town, you live there, until you die.  Watch out for that attitude, girls.  It always seems to get its proponents into trouble!!!!!!!!!  Weird choices, yes, but nothing fundamentally wrong with them.

                                               Additionally, Barry was a help to his aged and ailing parents, Charles and Rita James, he 91, and she 87, both of whom had lived and raised their two children, (they also had a daughter, married, with a family, who did not live there) in that house, since first moving there, in 1941.

                                                  They were the Old Guard of their neighborhood, and all week when this story was being advertised on "Fatal Encounters"--the ID program that dramatizes confrontations spun out of control, always ending in death--I had the idea, from what I saw, that things would go this way--some aspect of Barry's behavior annoyed his younger neighbors, they confront him, he feels he can do whatever the fuck he wants, and so, the younger male neighbor is killed by gunfire.

                                                     But that is not what happened at all.

                                                      Now, let me tell you something about Jonathan Eddington.  If you like those intellectual, nerdy, straight types, darlings, I suppose you could say he is kinda cute.  But, beware, these types are not often what they seem to be.  Back in college (he got a Bachelor's in Engineering from Syracuse, and a Law Degree from Fordham, so he was no dummy, darlings!!!!!) he got into a bit of trouble. Jonathan is one of those types who, occasionally cannot control his rage, and so, when he walked passed a table with a girl sitting advocating Planned Parenthood, and handing out brochures, he just could not take it, and berated her and her beliefs, knocking over everything in sight.

                                                       This tells me a couple of things, darlings!  It tells me, first he is a Pro-Lifer, which means he is some card carrying Republican, who thinks women should be baby machines!!!!!!!!
And this is pretty indicative by the time he marries Christina; she is a stay at home wife, and during  every academic installment--grad school, law school--Jonathan has Christina popping out a kid.  If things had not gone down the way they had, Christina might have been  saddled with five offspring, at least, by now!

                                                           Another thing about Jonathan is, for all his high ranking academic achievement, he can't seem to score as big in the law profession as others; his job is poor paying, long hours, and the young man is stressed with job and financial worry.  The last two are legit concerns, and create a modicum of sympathy, but his inability to land anything better speaks volumes about his personality, or lack thereof.

                                                             I am telling you, the whole thing was started by that bitch, Christina.
One day, at her kitchen window, which faces across the way, into Barry James' bedroom, she can see him in the nude.  Nothing appetizing, I am sure.  Barry, who had heart and diabetes problems, at 59, was simply cooler and more comfortable au naturel, and so he was just relaxing watching TV.  And, no, girls, there was no evidence to suggest he was watching porn, or choking the chicken!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                             This annoys Christina no end, and her annoyance builds.  I have to wonder, darlings, if that had been, say, Jake Gyllehnaal across the way, how annoyed Christina would be.
She finally tells Jonathan, and his idea of dealing with the problem is to go over to the house with a pipe, banging with  it, outside Barry's window, but to no avail.  Christina eggs him on; the window is also visible from their two-year-old daughter's bedroom window, and she can see Barry.  Which bothers Christina, more than the kid.  Police are summoned, but the James parents do not understand--Barry has committed no crime, and the police agree.  Of course, if Barry, or the Eddingtons, had had the sense to put up strong curtains and shades that can pull down, everything would have been solved. Then he could have jacked off to his heart's content, if he so desired!  You have to wonder about the stupidity, and the accountability, of both parties here!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                               Jonathan's rage finally snaps, when Christina, on hearing words her toddler has put together, probably from what she has picked up at home, states that the child claims Barry entered her room, and molested her.  So Jonathan pops into Barry's bedroom window, stepping, first onto the car (already damaging another's property) to propel himself in.  Instead of confronting Barry, and before the older man can utter nothing beyond "I don't even know your daughter," the knife wielding Right Wing vigilante stabs Barry a total of 16 times. Oh, and in front of his mother!  Nice, huh?  While Jonathan  dashes home to wash the blood off him, the parents are left to deal with the trauma of losing the son they depended on.

                                                                 The end result was Jonathan was convicted and imprisoned, but is not a bit penitent.  His wife refused to cooperate with the investigation (which speaks volumes about her, and wait till you see how ugly she is!!!!!!!!!) the James parents are helpless (thank God they have another daughter!!!!!!!!) and two families are torn apart over allegations, after much examination, that turn out to be false.  I am telling you, darlings, this is like "The Children's Hour" by Lillian  Hellman, taken to the extreme.

                                                                    Except the Mary Tilford here is not the toddler, but the toddler's parents.  Christina, who I think should be held culpable, gets off free, even though she set the whole thing in motion.  She created the situation that not only ended Barry's life, but put her own husband in jail!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                      And just look how fat and ugly she is!!!!!!! But, popping out all those kids, no wonder!  You know what would have happened?  Jonathan would have worn her out after about the ninth child, then would have traded her in for a younger model!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                       The pure, unadulterated arrogance of these Right Wing small towners, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I know those types!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                        It is always the unsuspecting you have to watch out for!!!!!!


  1. I'm watching this story on Fatal Encounters as I type this. I agree with the blogger as do the police and everyone else involved in this sad case. This bloated sack of a human being is a poor excuse of a human baby making machine.... The old addage MIND YOUR OWN DAMN BUSINESS YOU STUPID COW... Is what comes to mind. Hysterical Stupidly if you ask me.


  2. Ehlerhog,

    I could not agree more .
    What is with thig guy, and
    his wife, who allows him to
    make her into the cow she is,
    Proof positive some people
    should NOT have children!
