Thursday, July 18, 2013

Perfect For Today, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 As I was travelling to work this morning, making my way on the steamy pavement, the lyrics to "Hot Child In The City" popped into my head.  This city child, darlings, just about feels drained; to think there was a time when I actually used to LOVE this kind of weather, even looked forward to it.

                                 Have mercy on us all!  Think of the theater group, Shakespeare In The Parking Lot, which performs the Bard on the Lower East Side.  In this climate they are doing "Cymbeline!"  Now, that is one play of Will's I have always wanted to see, but not in this heat!  But pity the actors and techies involved--and if they are dressing even a tad Elizabethan you are talking about cases of heatstroke!  Even if they were to do it nude--gasp!-- you could still fry an egg on those bodies!

                                 So, here is something for all my hot children--physical and otherwise!!!!!!!--to relate to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Rock on, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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