Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy Fourth Of July, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Again, girls, if I had audio, I would have piped in the great overture to the Broadway musical, "1776" pictured above.  I always thought the eagle looked confused, coming out of that egg shell!  You can bet Rodan wasn't!  But, with America today celebrating its 237th birthday, no wonder he looks confused; things ain't the way they used to be, for him, or for us, either.

                                          I still get sentimental on this day, because I always think of the childhood excursions my family and I made on this day over to Edna and Jimmy's house, in South Plainfield.  Where we had the most fabulous cookout imaginable.  This must have gone on for over thirty years; certainly before I was born, and at least until the summer after my mother's passing, in 1979.  But I always thing fondly of that place, and those folk, on this day!

                                        Not  to mention Little Edie and her dance from "Grey Gardens." which I plan to enact sometime today!

                                         And we seem to have beautiful weather!  You know, back in 1978, there was a TV movie made called "When Every Day Was The Fourth Of July," and I concur.  Right wing or left, there is something special about this day, and I DO wish every day was it!  I wouldn't have to work, for one thing!

                                         Happy Fourth, everyone!

                                         Wonder what scrumptious goodies Paula Dean is cooking up, today????????????

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