Thursday, July 4, 2013

Have I Got A Bitch For You, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Don't let this penitential looking photo fool you, girls!!!!!!!!!!!  The winner of the Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award today, Frances Schreuder, is one cold piece of work!  I cannot believe I missed out on this story, when it happened, which was back in 1978.  Where was I?????????  I was around!!!!!!!!  Guess my mind must have been in the gutter.  Or, more likely, on literature!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              In some ways, dolls, Frances was like all of us.  She nurtured dreams of splitting her provincial origins (or what she thought of as provincial) in Salt Lake City, Utah, for the bright lights of Manhattan, nurturing dreams of being some sort of high society Manhattan bitch, like Gene Tierney as Isabel in "The Razor's Edge."  Only, Frances was NOT Gene Tierney!!!!!!!!  Not for a second!!!!!!!!
BUT she had a rich Daddy, Franklin Bradshaw, back home, who made millions in oil and auto parts. Maybe to get his daughter off his back, he agreed to allow her to flee to Manhattan, and live out her fantasy.A Remittance Child, darlings!!!!!!!  Don't you wish?????  Guess he thought Frances would come to her senses, and eventually crawl back to drab suburban life in Salt Lake City.  But not Frances!  She even made it onto the Board Of The New York City Ballet!  Can you believe it, girls??????????  Guess they will take anyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Thing s continued this way, till the later Seventies.  By then, Frances had married (in 1958) and divorced jeweler Vitto Gentile, by whom she had two sons, Larry and Marc, born just ten months apart!  Vitto must have had some swimmers, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               But by the late Seventies, Franklin had had it with his daughter!!!!!!!!!!  Did you know she was kicked out of Bryn Mawr, darlings????????  Kicked out!!!!!!!  For stealing!!!!!!!!  She may have thought she was Society, but, let's face it, deep down, she was trash.  Or, as Mammy in "Gone With The Wind" would say, "She is a mule in horse's harness!!!!!!!!!!"

                                               Franklin could not continue, either financially or paternally, to subsidize his daughter's  Manhattan lifestyle, which now included a lavish apartment on Lexington Avenue, shopping at Tiffany's, and dashing about town with social gadabout, Richard Behrens.   So he told Frances he was going to cut her out of the will.  "But how am I supposed to live?," she screamed.  He told her to come back to Utah, and live, like everyone else.  But, you can bet, Missy would have none of that!!!!!!!  Oh, no!!!!!!!!!

                                                Frances had a history of emotionally abusing both her sons.  In 1977, she sent both of them out to Salt Lake City, with crushed amphetamines, to mix into Gramps' oatmeal, to poison him.  They couldn't do it!  But they did manage to steal $200K from him for good ole Mom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                Larry, I think, got smart, and disappeared.  Because, the next year, in 1978, Frances, through psychological manipulation, got Marc to go back to Salt Lake City, where, on July 23, 1978, he shot and killed his grandfather!!!!!!!!!!!!!  What a good son, huh???????????

                                                 It might have all gone down, except for Richard Behrens.  Because she reneged on a $6000 debt she owed him, he pulled the plug on Frances' act, by spilling the beans about she and Marc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   Now, they were tried and convicted, but they got only twelve years!!!!!!!!!
She died of lung disease in 2004, and Marc is still a free man.  I wouldn't go near him!!!!!!!!!  Guess money DOES talk girls!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   I mean, Sante and Kenny Kimes, whom Frances and Marc precede  by twenty years, are still in prison, which they deserve.  I say get Marc back in there pronto!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    And, as a bitch, Frances has had some track record.  Two books--"Nutcracker," by Shana Alexander, and "At Mother's Request," by Jonathan  Coleman, were written about her.  Both were filmed as TV movies, with two high profile actresses playing Frances.  Lee Remick took the part in "Nutcracker," while Stefanie Powers played her in "At Mother's Request."

                                                     As some reporter wrote, no matter how it is told, it is one trashy tale!  Which is why we just LOVE it, girls, and why Frances Schreuder couldn't be a better choice for Bitch Of The Week!!!!!!!!!!!!  Even dead, she gets Fame!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                      But, who's sorry NOW, Frances?????????????????


  1. The movie with Lee Remick was fantastic. The scene where she smashes her mother's head through a china closet is so much fun!

  2. The movie with Lee Remick was fantastic. The scene where she smashes her mother's head through a china closet is so much fun!


  3. I have got to see both of these movies; they sound like a hoot!
    Did you know that, back in 1962, Lee Remick and Stefanie Powers played sisters in the same movie. It was called "Experiment In Terror," and had Glenn Ford as a police agent, and Ross Martin as an athmatic sounding psychopath!

    I have a feeling Remick's portrayal of Frances Shcreuder is the better one. Too bad Gene Tierney could not have had a crack at it!
