Friday, July 12, 2013

I Would Love To See Judge Judy Take This One On!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                From Lickey Lickey, to Wack-A-Spewey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  This culture is just going down the tubes.

                                Near the tubes (ie; a toilet) would have been a better place for Mr. George Simpson, Jr., for doing what he did.  Mr. Simpson, soon destined to become, for a time, America's most infamous bus driver, was caught--forgive the vulgarity, darlings!!!!--beating his meat, while driving a bus full of passengers into the city, on a Carteret to Manhattan route, on June, 24.  And I would give you odds this was not the first time Simpson spanked the monkey in this way.

                                  From Weeehawken on, while driving through the Lincoln Tunnel, Mr. Simpson flogged his log!!!!!!!!!!  Now, in my time, darlings, I have seen male passengers doing this on buses and subways, and while I don't understand the thrill that is in it for them, I can at least say that, disgusting as they might be, these folk were not endangering people's lives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   And suppose a nun, or a priest, let alone a rabbi, had been on that bus????????  Oh, my God!!!!!!!!!!!!!  But Mr. Simpson would not be stopped when the urge struck him from getting his jollies--even if that meant it could have led to an accident, injuring not only those on the bus, but others in front or behind it, should there have been a major catastrophe!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    All due to some guy jerking off?????????????????

                                    A smart woman passenger recognized something was wrong, and quickly recorded it; in no time, it went viral!!!!!!!!!!  If it hadn't the Wankmaster would still be riding the line!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      As one female bus driver said, "I wouldn't want to sit on that seat!"  Amen, honey!  Let's hope that bus is dispatched to the junk yard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Meanwhile, Mr. Simpson has been relieved of his duties, leaving him free to pull his pud all day now, if he likes!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        If you ask me, girls, I say it won't be long before Mr. Simpson will be spotted slapping his pork aboard the Kingda Ka, reputedly Jersey;'s scariest roller coaster, at Six Flags, Great Adventure!

                                         Then they will have to rename it the Wanga Wanga!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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