Friday, July 12, 2013

How Dare This Nut Perpetuate Such A Crazy Idea???????????????????

                                As if the Clementi family has not had enough to deal with, in the now nearly three years, following Tyler's death, along comes anti-gay activist, (and self-confessed "bisexual;" huh, how come one does not cancel out the other????) who insists that Tyler Clementi's suicide stemmed from him being a victim of statutory rape?

                                How is this possible, as, first of all Tyler was 18 at the time of his death?  And his encounter with the mysterious "M.B." was consensual.

                                  But that is not what Mr. Lopez is talking about.  He insists that Clementi, from early teen years; certainly, while he was still a minor, was hooking up online with older dudes, and having promiscuous sex!

                                   First of all, you bitch, how the hell do you know?  Have you information the Raving Queen, not to mention the Clementis, don't?  From what has been written about Tyler, he distinctly thought sex was something no one (and I Imagine this was his intention) should be engaged in, until the age of 18.  Tyler is not here to speak up for himself, but I am here offering my services on his behalf, and I am telling Mr. Lopez to leave this alone RIGHT NOW!  Stop torturing this poor family who have been through more than they ever expected.  And, most of all, stop grasping at straws to aid and abet your twisted agenda.  If you want to be an anti-gay activist, that is your business, but do not exploit others and issues that have nothing to do with the matter at hand.  The gay community has enough problems with out you adding to them, Mr. Lopez.  And, again, the Clementis have been through enough.  Let them and Tyler rest in peace!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Now, what do you mean, by calling yourself a bi-sexual?  Sounds like you are very conflicted, darling.  Maybe you need to sit down and watch "Gilda" with Rita Hayworth, to set your sexual orientation to rights; that is, decide what it actually is.

                                     And, if you are NOT sure, stay out of the matters of those of us who are!

                                     Strictly, speaking, I prefer PRISCILLA Lopez, girls!!!!!!!!!!  Even Jennifer would be better than this cretin!

                                     Time to bring that hidden CD of "Evita" out of hiding, Mr. Lopez!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Stand back from this idiot, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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