Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Seems Like Anthony Has Been Beating His Wiener A Little Too Much, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Some men, gay or straight, just can't seem to keep it in their pants!  Whether Anthony Weiner--whose name alone invites ridicule, girls, especially when added to his situation--was actually having real sex, or just some good old fashioned online wanking--Ewwwwwwwww!  First of all, who wants to know about it?  And second, if he is spending so much time pleasuring his loins, how is he going to find time to run a city like New York???????????

                                            At least Eliot Spitzer had the class to back out, and come back slowly.  And whether or not he is still carrying on (and I would not be surprised if he is!!!!!!!) he, at least this time, has learned enough, to keep it out of the media!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             But Weiner, and his...pardon me...wiener.....seem to be talking out of...pardon me again, girls.....both heads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  It is almost like he is saying "I am going to run for Mayor, and if I screw around it is nobody's business," while simultaneously saying, in tandem with his wife, how sorry he is, and how they are working on their marriage!

                                                Well, I will give the wife credit, but it seems the only work Anthony is doing involves his wiener!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  Give it a rest, Anthony!  The wiener and the Mayoral campaign!  Who can take seriously a candidate who just about openly posts sexual messages and pictures of himself?  Which, from what I have heard, Tony, hon, are not all that hot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     This is one Big Boy who needs to be cut down to size!  And if he does not back out soon, he will be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                      Without any help from Lorena Bobbit, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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