Thursday, July 25, 2013

Girls, This Bitch Is No "Baby Sitting Boogie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                Let me say a few introductory remarks about this week's winner, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!
First, she is a piece of work!  Second, I could not find an exact picture of her anywhere--though her partner in crime was all over the place.  What you see here resembles the actress who played her in last night's episode of "Wicked Attraction," but even then I cannot be sure, because the actress looked like an older, weathered, Peggy Lipton type, and this girl is just a bit too fresh.

                                  The winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award is Tina Young!!!!!!!!

                                   That Tina!!!!!!!!!!!  As a teenager, she babysat for her neighbor, Casey Zalenski, when he was a baby!  Eventually, Tina got married, and by the time Casey was murdered on November 8, 2002, he at the age of 16 and Tina at 33, Tina was a mother herself, with three kids, one on the way, and a loving husband.

                                     She had it all, darlings!  But, for whatever reason, she lacked fulfillment, and, instead of turning to Danielle Steel, or even Barbara Taylor Bradford, both of whom would have been better for her, you know what she turns to, dolls????????  Smack!!!!!!!!!!  You know.........heroin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Tina Young transformed herself in no time from Suburban Soccer Mom to Drug Addicted Ho'!!!!!!!!!  The latter was aided and abetted by her sexual enslavement to her drug dealer, Larry Tooley.  On that fateful November night, the two needed money for a fix, and Tina knew the Zalenskis had money, so they broke into the residence.  But Casey caught them, and Larry Tooley gunned him down, in front of Casey's former babysitter!  Who did absolutely nothing to stop it, just so she and Larry could pursue their drug addicted, sexual high!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          If this were "The Crucible," darlings, I would say hang this witch!  As it is, she got off easy!  She got 20 plus years in prison, after pleading to third degree murder, and testifying against Larry. He got Life, Without Parole!  Tina should have gotten the same thing.  If she is ever released, and let's hope that day never happens, she will be a 60 plus granny out to score big!  You can't tell me Tina has beaten her habit. Bet she gets it on the inside.  If she doesn't watch her back, she may get beaten herself!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          No, no one is going to shed any tears for Tina.  And when she gave birth to Child Number Four in prison, it was promptly removed from her, thank God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           When I saw Tina's story last night, I knew she would be perfect for Bitch Of The Week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              I'm just sorry I was unable to show all my girls how ugly she truly is!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I just watched this on wicked attraction, I seen a pic of Tina and she deff fits Casey's moms description of her!! " Scum, lower than a snake" is what she said! I think she needs a pic of Casey hung in her cell so she can be reminded of the piece of shit she really is!!

  2. Yes funny how there are no pics of her really even when they air the story on Discovery. Of course Larry Tooley was posted all over. He's a black male.. And did you notice how they told the story as if he put her up to everything? She left home and knocked at his door. She planned the breaking in of Casey's home. She tried the drugs herself they weren't forced. Shit was ridiculous.

  3. Your overuse of exclamation points is really annoying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Sweetie, it's what I do! Get used to it!
    Though, lately, I feel like I have been subconsciously toning them down!

  5. I was born in 1991, I along with 2 of my sisters were foster children of Tina Young from the time I was 4 until 9. Tina was never a fucking soccer mom! She was an abusive evil person and foster care failed me by letting me live with this monster for 5 years!! She went on to murder a kid, if the caseworkers had listened to me and did an investigation this murder may have been prevented!!


  6. Justina K,

    How I feel for you. I hope
    life has improved for you today.
    Good for you at recognizing all
    the signs, but the trouble is, no
    one really listens till it is too late.

    Thanks for sharing. I wish you peace!


  7. Unknown,
    I agree with you. Did not
    know, or forgot, about Casey's
    brother's suicide. Which makes
    the whole thing even more tragic.
    Thanks for commenting.

  8. I baby sat for Casey when he was just a five months old. That night in 1986 Casey’s Mom had to work and Casey’s Dad needed to sleep. Except he never went to sleep. He came downstairs in these ridiculous red High Hefner p.j.’s, and sexually assaulted me.

    I dropped the charges against Mr. Zalenski and moved away after that happened. He sexually assaulted me on Nov 8, 1986 - and their current baby sitter’s boyfriend (Larry Tooley) shot and killed Casey on Nov 8, 2002 - exactly sixteen years to the day.

    Casey’s brother Tommey hung himself in the barn six years after Casey’s death. Now they only have one son instead of three 😭

    I forgave Mr. Zalenski years ago for what he did to me - but apparently the universe hadn’t forgiven him. My heart hurts for the entire family. I can’t even begin to imagine their grief.

    1. Mama Mia I would love to know your name? And how you were connected to the Zalenski family. You babysat my brother at 5 months... Let's hear the rest. Where did you babysit? Your name?

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  9. MamaMia,

    I am amazed you were able to
    forgive your attacker. I was molested
    by a neighbor on Nov.12, 1970. I have
    moved on, but I stil recall every deatail.
    Yes, I agree that family's grief seems

    Feel free to drop in here, anytime!

    1. MamaMia might just be spreading false rumors but don't worry I'm on the hunt for the truth.

    2. She was never sexually assaulted that's completely false. No wonder it was so easy to forgive.


    that link has a pic of the episode and it's a group pic? not sure if that's case you needed a pic.

  11. LE,
    I cannot be certain if that is her.
    But thanks for the effort, and welcome
    to this blog.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Brandon,
    Comments are welcome on here anytime,
    but just whom are you talking to? I
    have read them over several times,
    and I am not clear!

    1. MamaMia accusing Mr. Zalenski of sexually assaulting her is completely false.

  14. My pleasure I wouldn't want some scumbag slandering my family for Tina Youngs benefit.
