Thursday, July 25, 2013

This Has To Be Seen To Be Believed, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         First of all, girls, I can assure you, the photo is air brushed, and what an act Miss Christine Quinn is putting on here.  You know the famous line about the lesbian vs. the Killer Whale?  Well, Christine, unlike the whale, does not have a sense of humor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Your senses of humor will be tickled by the latest commercial she is airing, which. I am telling you, has got to be seen!  It is a laugh riot, and the best side splitter I have had all week.
Christine, on camera, comes on like Miss "I Care About New York," the champion of the Middle Classes, when all she is championing, darlings, is Christine Quinn.  Despite the fancy dress and smile you can still hear in her voice what she truly is--some Queens bred low class low life, who should never have risen above the level of barmaid, because that is exactly what she sounds like.  Queens may have let Ellen Barkin escape, but they never should have let Christine Quinn outta there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            And I love all this talk about "Gay Mayor, this, Gay Mayor that!"  What, everyone is forgetting about Ed Koch?  He was the first Gay Mayor, and don't you forget it, darlings!!!!!! He may not have been pretty, but he is prettier than Christine, and he could be kinda lovable, just like our (Monsieur's and mine) Auntie Alvin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              I would love to see Auntie Alvin at City Hall, rather than Christine Quinn!  Then, maybe I could chair Cultural Affairs!!!!!!!!!  This city would rock, then, darlings, let me tell you!!!!!!!!!

                                                Don't let Christine's smiley facade fool you!  She is nothing but a goddamn beans n' franks you know what, who should be bar tending in Maspeth this evening, rather than on the campaign trail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  I can't wait for HER sex scandal, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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